Petition to Welsh Govt. against 20mph limit

Petition to Welsh Govt. against 20mph limit


Tyre Tread

Original Poster:

10,542 posts

219 months

Tuesday 19th September 2023
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Mercdriver said:
Live in Scotland but signed this because it is wrong, only time before the idiots up here change this limit in Scotland too.

Cars emit more fumes in a low gear and higher revs so how is this going to improve air quality.

Sounds like a cynical way of increasing revenue by fining anyone, ie everyone, driving at over 20 MPH
It is more sinister than just the fines IMHO. It's the Gov't (in this case Welsh) making travelling by car more frustrating and less advantageous to reduce car usage and drive people onto the (non existent) public transport network or to go by foot or cycle. A move towards the 15 minute city.

The beginning of the end for the car I'm afraid.


5,073 posts

209 months

Tuesday 19th September 2023
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224,640 signatures now on the petition!


395 posts

31 months

Wednesday 20th September 2023
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Athlon said:
224,640 signatures now on the petition!
Unfortunately, it will need to get way over a million for anyone to take any notice of it.................banghead


2,255 posts

36 months

Wednesday 20th September 2023
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I doubt if even a million would persuade governments to change back to thirty once implemented.

A politician admitting they made a mistake? No chance, think of the uproar from the public if they had to change back all the road signs to 30.


3,274 posts

210 months

Wednesday 20th September 2023
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BoRED S2upid

19,848 posts

243 months

Wednesday 20th September 2023
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Spevs said:
Athlon said:
224,640 signatures now on the petition!
Unfortunately, it will need to get way over a million for anyone to take any notice of it.................banghead
A million would be like half the population!


1,325 posts

183 months

Wednesday 20th September 2023
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Sadly its a fact in Wales anyone/thing wearing a Red rosette is gonna get voted infrown
So Dumb MS's in red feel safe enough to show the 2 fingered solute to everyone in Wales 'Dai Price' - AKA Mark whatever his name is must feel similarly empowered frown


395 posts

31 months

Wednesday 20th September 2023
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BoRED S2upid said:
Spevs said:
Athlon said:
224,640 signatures now on the petition!
Unfortunately, it will need to get way over a million for anyone to take any notice of it.................banghead
A million would be like half the population!
Population in Wales is just over 3 Million at last census.


1,910 posts

26 months

Wednesday 20th September 2023
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Spevs said:
BoRED S2upid said:
Spevs said:
Athlon said:
224,640 signatures now on the petition!
Unfortunately, it will need to get way over a million for anyone to take any notice of it.................banghead
A million would be like half the population!
Population in Wales is just over 3 Million at last census.
Two million is a bit like three million, it's only one away.


2,215 posts

30 months

Wednesday 20th September 2023
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Alickadoo said:
Spevs said:
BoRED S2upid said:
Spevs said:
Athlon said:
224,640 signatures now on the petition!
Unfortunately, it will need to get way over a million for anyone to take any notice of it.................banghead
A million would be like half the population!
Population in Wales is just over 3 Million at last census.
Two million is a bit like three million, it's only one away.
If you consider the driving population, it won't be far off 50%


5,073 posts

209 months

Wednesday 20th September 2023
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322,892 signatures now. Still growing !


20,839 posts

275 months

Wednesday 20th September 2023
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S47 said:
Sadly its a fact in Wales anyone/thing wearing a Red rosette is gonna get voted infrown
So Dumb MS's in red feel safe enough to show the 2 fingered solute to everyone in Wales 'Dai Price' - AKA Mark whatever his name is must feel similarly empowered frown
Except it isn't a fact which is why Labour could only form a minority government with the support of Plaid.

And the second biggest party in the Senedd, the Conservatives, what has their stance been on this issue? A quick google for "Andrew RT Davies 20 plenty" reveals all. Opportunistic, intellectually bankrupt, ...

Drakeford, far from being some megalomaniac on a power trip, is a decent and trustworthy bloke who tries to do the right thing. I've never voted Labour and that is the view I have heard first hand from the leadership of one of the opposition parties.

Tyre Tread

Original Poster:

10,542 posts

219 months

Thursday 21st September 2023
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ATG said:
Drakeford, far from being some megalomaniac on a power trip, is a decent and trustworthy bloke who tries to do the right thing. .

Yes, we all believe that. No, honestly we do. Really.
