South West Wales Breakfast Meet

South West Wales Breakfast Meet



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188 months

Thursday 16th July 2009
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farm2 said:
cant make this now as im going to global gathering sorry chaps hope to attend the next one and my father will pop along to
No prob see you on sun will keep an eye out for you


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188 months

Saturday 18th July 2009
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Cooldudeoli said:
Who have we got confirmed for the meet tomorrow? 9:30 meet like last time?
Sorry Oliver I will be on the Ph run tomorrow the next breakfast meet is the 26th July looks like it will be a good turnout anyway, I've Pm'd you also check please


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188 months

Monday 20th July 2009
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alsaautomotive said:
Cally & Danny - it's Unit F.
There aren't any signs up though other than the unit lettersmile
Always best to look for a green Rover 25 or some Ferrari'sbiggrin
Cally, if it was a silver 575, blue 308, black Daytona or yellow 355 Spider then yes it was from methumbup
Big thanks to Al for this morning (called in to say hello some interesting cars there) A little tricky to find but a nice quiet area hope to see again soonthumbup


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188 months

Tuesday 21st July 2009
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Hey everybody don't forget the SOUTH WEST WALES BREAKFAST CLUB on sun(26th big bite cafe 9:30ish) should be a good turnout if last month's was anything to go by, also as suggested by Alfa 75 Steve will be doing a run up to Llandovery area after brekkie so the more people that turn up the better (I hope you can make it TOM let's hope it's dry for sun)


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188 months

Wednesday 22nd July 2009
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VENOM500 said:
Hi Danny, Yep, hope to make it on Sunday if its dry (Just spent hours cleaning it up!). Cheers,Tom
I would have done that for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!getmecoat


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188 months

Thursday 23rd July 2009
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VENOM500 said:
hehe Need to pick your brain when I see you re- the body work and recommended cleaning products.I would like to find someone who can carefully remove the "cobwebs" from the paintwork. I generally clean the bodywork once a year and polish/wax about the same amount (to keep fine buff marks to a minimum) but after all these years it would be nice to buff out some of the very very fine marks in the top coat. (A job for you? Also best products for bring up the alloys?)Speak to you soon, just hope the weather hold out, but it seems to have turned a bit Pete Tong recently!eek
You got mail sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!it better be dry on sunrolleyesyeshehe


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2,370 posts

188 months

Thursday 23rd July 2009
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List of attendees for sunday add name to listwoohoo
1)dannytherev -Citroen c2vts

Edited by dannytherev on Thursday 23 July 20:22


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2,370 posts

188 months

Saturday 25th July 2009
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VENOM500 said:
I can smell rain!getmecoat......again!
Don't even think it Tombigmouth


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188 months

Saturday 25th July 2009
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Andy_J said:
68sebring said:
List of attendees for sunday add name to list

1) dannytherev -Citroen c2vts
2) huwdm - Porsche 911 (997 C2)
3) Venom500 - Venom500 (GTS).....BUT ITS GOTTA B DRY!
4) oilman151 - DB9
5) 68sebring - MG GTS
6) Andy_J - A3 Sportback

A few other people i know will probably come along as well

What's up with your email mate tried to pm you wasn't having any of itconfused


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2,370 posts

188 months

Sunday 26th July 2009
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Big thank's to everyone who turned up today special thank's to Andy who brought some new cars to the meet
my pics below

The Car of the meet imo thank's Charliethumbup


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188 months

Sunday 26th July 2009
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huwdm said:
Nice to meet everyone today.Good bunch of people and cars.
Lets hope its dry next month and we can go for a run.
Cheer's Huw myself Oilman151 and Jhfozzy went for a quick rundriving up to Llandovery after breakfast shame it was so wet next time


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2,370 posts

188 months

Monday 27th July 2009
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VENOM500 said:
Looks like a nice mix of cars, sorry I whimped outgetmecoat Hope it's dry for the next meet.
Will try and catch up with you some time Danny.
Will do Tom!!! was looking forward to trying out my new products on the beastie, if it's dry this weekend I'll call over let me know (just found out I've got three LWB vans and a minibus in this week for preparation so will be busy)
yikeshehe will need a drink after that lot


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188 months

Wednesday 19th August 2009
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As I posted on another thread about a run out this sun huwdm mentioned the South West Wales Breakfast Meet so here it is hope to see you therewavey


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188 months

Sunday 23rd August 2009
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Don't forget the Breakfast Club next sun hope it's dry and we should have a good turnout


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188 months

Sunday 23rd August 2009
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pwd95 said:
You might get a couple of interesting 'Chimps' on this one driving


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188 months

Monday 24th August 2009
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pwd95 said:
dannytherev said:
pwd95 said:
You might get a couple of interesting 'Chimps' on this one driving
hehe Sorry, TVR 'Speak' for Chimaeras. thumbup

Where is the meet exactly?
Ok I seebiglaugh the meet is at THE BIG BITE CAFE CROSS HANDS AT 9:30 if the weather holds out will do a run out somewhere any suggestions Wyn? are you bringing some more cars (more Tivs Please) out of interest how loud if your Chimaera cheers Danny hope to see you therewavey


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188 months

Tuesday 25th August 2009
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I think we should start a list for sun it better be fine


Original Poster:

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188 months

Tuesday 25th August 2009
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member car
dannytherev Citroen C2VTS
cooldudeoli TVR Cerbera 4.5

Edited by dannytherev on Tuesday 25th August 19:15


Original Poster:

2,370 posts

188 months

Thursday 27th August 2009
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Whoever turns up for breakfast on sun can they please be nice because its my Bday on tueparty (I'm feeling old now, don't ask)anyway hoping for good weather as well hope to see you therewavey


Original Poster:

2,370 posts

188 months

Thursday 27th August 2009
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pwd95 said:
dannytherev said:
Whoever turns up for breakfast on sun can they please be nice because its my Bday on tueparty (I'm feeling old now, don't ask)anyway hoping for good weather as well hope to see you therewavey
So how old are you then? hehe
Fingers crossed for a dry morning. driving
Wyn where are you driving up from? I always meet at Jct 45 at about 9ish if your near thereshoutCONVOY!!
Can't say how old I am (these youngsters nowadaysbiglaugh)Looks dry but cloudy for the morning and showers in the afternoongetmecoat