Historic Status

Historic Status



Original Poster:

1,162 posts

270 months

Monday 6th May
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Well my Tasmin 200 is 40 years old. Just registered it 'Historic Vehicle' as the Taxation class.
As the cars are getting to that age now a heads up to anyone looking to do this...
My car was first registered on 1st January 1984. The rules state it must be manufactured in 1983 and you can register it in the April of the following year.
There is a 5 day grace period so this gives you until the 5th January. The rational is that if it was registered in the first 5 days of 1984 it must have been manufactured in 1983.
Now comes the interesting part... When I tried to apply at the post Office it wouldn't let me and when I spoke to DVLA it seems the manufacture date was December 1984. As I tried to point out the car couldn't be first registered nearly 12 months before it was built... even in TVR world!! The woman at the DVLA was very unhelpful and wouldn't even acknowledge there was a problem. Left it a few days and rang them back. This time got a really helpful guy who has worked there over 40 years. It seems back in the day manufacture dates weren't seen as important and they just put in the end of the first registered year on some cars. He said send in some proof and a covering letter and they would correct it.
Sent an email to the TVRCC asking for help proving the manufacture date. Had a response the following day saying two certificates were in the post.
Sent the certificate off to DVLA and got the new log book back a week later.
Massive thank you to Mervyn Larner and TVRCC for providing this information and so quickly... not sure how I would have proved the manufacture date without them.
The manufacture date isn't on the log book so you would need to ring the DVLA to check this. I've owned the car for 35 years and I wasn't aware!!

So now looking forward to no road tax, no MOT's (may still do this) and fingers up to any ULEZ zones they have brought in or may do in the future.

Cheers Steve


Original Poster:

1,162 posts

270 months

Tuesday 7th May
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Icing on the cake... Cheque arrived this morning refunding the tax I had paid from April to November!!
