Wedge Models

Wedge Models



Original Poster:

1 posts

274 months

Tuesday 7th May 2002
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Help me obi-won your my only hope...

OK you guys aint obi, but you are my only hope...

Im after a scale model of a 350i tvr, im from this UK.

If anyone can help then please reply... even if its to say there isnt one.

kind regards



1,763 posts

276 months

Tuesday 7th May 2002
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TVR car club has links to some model supplier/s. Don't know if they include a 350 but worth a try.



53,332 posts

295 months

Wednesday 8th May 2002
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Never seen one, certainly there is no Wedge amongst the models offered by the TVRCC, sorry R...


2,190 posts

280 months

Wednesday 8th May 2002
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I'm sure the car club used to sell a model 350i in Pewter.

All the models apear to be missing from the car club website at the moment. Might be worth giving the club office a call.


61 posts

294 months

Wednesday 8th May 2002
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I was led to believe that by PW dictate no
models of the Wedges were ever licensed ?

Thats why you can never find one even in the massive
Japanese & French catalogues !

I'm sure there would be a good response if someone
was to commission some ???



53,332 posts

295 months

Thursday 9th May 2002
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I'm sure the car club used to sell a model 350i in Pewter.
Yes you are right - there was a pewter wedge, along with a Taimar I think, set on a wooden plinth, but I assumed they would not be what the chap was looking for as he said "scale" ? Rich...