Fitting a Harness

Fitting a Harness



Original Poster:

1,165 posts

278 months

Thursday 2nd May 2002
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I am in the process of fitting a rollover bar to a Tasmin and thought it would be a good time to install some racing harness's.
There is a vast range of makes and types (3 point 4 point, types of buckles etc) I would be interested in peoples opinions on these and which are the best.
I would also like to know where they are fixed and what type of fixing is required. If anyone has any pictures that would be very helpful.
Regards SteveE


2,190 posts

280 months

Thursday 2nd May 2002
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Wedge bible has good section on harnesses.

I've got Willans harnesses in mine.


3,799 posts

290 months

Thursday 2nd May 2002
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The 3 points aren't really worth bothering with as in most cases they just ride up and can provide opportunity to 'submarine' underneath the belt, 4 points same as above. If you really mean it, fit a 5 or 6 point as these are the only way to properly secure yourself in the seat.
Also any anchor points should be into something solid with large washers spreader plates etc



30,627 posts

295 months

Thursday 2nd May 2002
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The 3 points aren't really worth bothering with as in most cases they just ride up and can provide opportunity to 'submarine' underneath the belt, 4 points same as above. If you really mean it, fit a 5 or 6 point as these are the only way to properly secure yourself in the seat.
Also any anchor points should be into something solid with large washers spreader plates etc


Agreed, for the ultimate location you need the crutch strap(s) and then you can do everything up as tight as you want. But you can get a pretty good fit with a 3/4 point which will be *miles* better than the standard lap/diagonal. Problem is that people keep the lap strap loose, tighten the shoulder strap and then try to tighten the lap strap. Doesn't work and you end up with the buckle in the middle of your chest. The trick is to do the lap strap up reasonably tight with the shoulder straps loose, and then tighten the shoulder straps but don't over- tighten them.

Peter Humphries (and a green V8S)