Cooling Fan

Cooling Fan



Original Poster:

198 posts

294 months

Tuesday 30th April 2002
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My 350i Series 2, cooling fan has failed today, can anybody advise me where the cooling fans were sourced from (Mine has the single Fan).

I would be willing to upgrade to a twin fan arrangement if this will provide an enhanced effect.


61 posts

275 months

Wednesday 1st May 2002
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Replaced mine a couple of years ago and I bought it direct from Kenlow. It is a standard item apart from the fan which is removable and not required. Sorry but I dont have the receipt with me so can't give a phone number till after the bank hoilday but try looking on the web under Kenlow.

>> Edited by mike350 on Wednesday 1st May 12:17


3,799 posts

290 months

Thursday 2nd May 2002
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When you replace it make sure you fit it with the leads pointing downwards, to prevent water running in. Alternativly if you don't fancy paying the 50 quid to Kenlowe then pop down the local breakers and any diesel car will have a pretty good fan on it for a fiver.



26,901 posts

276 months

Friday 3rd May 2002
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Have a look at the fan and see if it says 'Made in Australia' on it.
Then head for the scrappy...;-)



Original Poster:

198 posts

294 months

Friday 3rd May 2002
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Thanks for your guidance, I have just returned from business, will get onto the car this weekend.


61 posts

294 months

Saturday 4th May 2002
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Try Kenlowe at Maidenhead, new unit should work out about gbp 115 all in ( single fan ).

Despite what 'some' people might say Kenlowes units are fantastic and it certainly does the business on mine.


Tim 450SE


2,869 posts

293 months

Sunday 5th May 2002
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I had a kenlowe on my old 'S' and had nothing but trouble from it. The fan motor looked meaty enough but the spindle / fan blades and mounting system were a bit crappy.

The spindle eventually broke and I replace it with a 'proper' TVR unit which cost about £80 (ish) if memory serves.

The wedge unit looks exactly the same except the fan cowling has had sections cut away to make room for the bonnet closure.



36,010 posts

295 months

Sunday 5th May 2002
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On the subject of fans, the bible tells you how to fit an overide switch. Good idea I think, and now looking at maplins for bits.


5 posts

275 months

Monday 13th May 2002
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If your fan does say 'Made in Australia' on it, its dead easy to take apart and rebuild.
Remove fan blade from shaft
remove 4 x small screws and top cover - this will expose the bushes and top bearing
the back cover is glued into place and can be removed by hammering a screwdriver into the joint and prising apart to expose the back bearing.
this bearing was seized on mine and cost £5 from a local bearing stockist


Original Poster:

198 posts

294 months

Friday 17th May 2002
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Thanks all for your replies, I have had the car repaired by a very nice man, had to use a chimaera fan with slight modification.

>> Edited by colinhewett on Friday 17th May 14:10