My 450 SE

My 450 SE


shawn ford

Original Poster:

102 posts

282 months

Tuesday 30th April 2002
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I just had the pleasure of purchasing and driving my new (used) 450 SE from Warwick, England to Kaiserslautern, Germany over the weekend. Despite the fact that it rained most of the way, I did have about 1.5 hours of sunny skies, and the car really performed spectacularly and in nearly 600 miles of driving surpassed my expectations all around. Can't wait for many more years of 450 SE enjoyment. Next project: Getting it into the USA?!




158 posts

279 months

Saturday 4th May 2002
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Is it by any chance G997WBY. Mica Red with Grey Interior and full harnesses? Thats my old beast and I still miss it like hell.


John McKenzie

shawn ford

Original Poster:

102 posts

282 months

Monday 6th May 2002
quotequote all

Almost, but no. This one is H998 CKL and very stock.
