Torque of the Devil

Torque of the Devil



Original Poster:

856 posts

293 months

Friday 26th April 2002
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Most people hark on about their car pushing out XXX BHP, and TVR are known to up their BHP ratings a bit higher than they actually are. As a fan of the big wedges and their very Torquey engines, does anyone know if the Torque ratings of TVR engines are more reliable than their BHP ratings ?

Just interested !!!



36,010 posts

295 months

Friday 26th April 2002
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Mine was rated at 275 after a rebuild.
I add that whatever it is its plenty for me.

>> Edited by JMorgan on Sunday 28th April 12:23

>> Edited by JMorgan on Monday 29th April 06:42


726 posts

275 months

Saturday 27th April 2002
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I remember reading an article in "Motor Trend", one of the main motorhead magazines in the USA, that most manufacturers fudge their horsepower ratings at least to some extent. I would supspect that this is very true with most performance cars, including the very high end of the market.

I don't know if TVR over rates their horespower, but my Chim 450 will nail your #$#$@# to the back of the seat as well as just about any car I ever drove growing up in the USA in the late 60's and early 70's.

I guess my point is that if everyone cheats a little, then it really doesn't matter except where the rubber meets the road.



36,010 posts

295 months

Saturday 27th April 2002
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Lost most of my rear rubber (SO3) in 3000 miles


8,507 posts

283 months

Sunday 28th April 2002
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1,844 posts

279 months

Sunday 28th April 2002
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ok then, heres one for you, my cars torque is quoted as
385nm, 39.2kgm so whats that equate to in english llbs and ft?


1,844 posts

279 months

Sunday 28th April 2002
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ah,ah just found another site that quotes it as 318lbft
does that sound about right when converted?


1,763 posts

276 months

Monday 29th April 2002
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1kg = 9.81N
1kg = 2.2lb

so 2.2lb = 9.81N, or 1N = 0.224lb
1m = 3.28 ft
So 1Nm (1N x 1m) = 0.224 x 3.28 = 0.736 lbft

So 385 Nm = 283 lbft


3,938 posts

280 months

Monday 29th April 2002
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Yep, another dumbass question, but can someone give an explanation of what torque really is/does??? the simpler the english the better please, as I am mechanically interested, but retarded.

I know that roughly speaking the bhp figure will help to determine acceleration and top speed, but what about this mysterious thing called torque?


1,100 posts

281 months

Monday 29th April 2002
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Torque is twisting force. The torque your engine produces rotates a shaft going into your gearbox, which eventually rotates your wheels. Torque at the wheels is proportional to acceleration.

Torque multiplied by rpm is proportional to power.

If the torque is being produced at a greater rpm, the gearbox can gear down further to give more available torque at the wheels. Engine power, gear ratios, vehicle mass and drag ultimately determine acceleration. The mass is less important when it comes to top speed.


76,737 posts

283 months

Monday 29th April 2002
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So basically torque is for acceleration and BHP is for top speed.


1,763 posts

276 months

Monday 29th April 2002
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Basically, a car that has low torque and high power (motorbike engine) will go fast but will feel like hard work - through gears etc - to get it to deliver.

A car with high torque and low power (Turbo diesel)will not have the potential to go as fast, but will deliver what it does do more easily - sometimes to the extent that it feels faster in real use than a more powerful petrol engined car.

This is why modern TDs are becoming popular and are going into "luxury" cars.


1,763 posts

276 months

Monday 29th April 2002
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38 posts

276 months

Thursday 2nd May 2002
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There's a really interesting piece about this, well worth a look:


36,010 posts

295 months

Thursday 2nd May 2002
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And another
Lots of other stuff in there. Search on HP as well.
USA led info but well worth a read. Sorted me on what An LSD does.