420SEAC Ignition barrel

420SEAC Ignition barrel



Original Poster:

3 posts

275 months

Thursday 25th April 2002
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Help.....Last night some idiot joy riders attempted to steal my car. They didn't manage it. But in the process, broke the steering lock and Key barrel under the steering colum. Where can I get a replacement part. It looks like a fairly bog standard part. It takes a British Leyland standard key pattern. The car is a 1986 model. One of the few.


8,507 posts

283 months

Thursday 25th April 2002
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Rover SD1. Rimmer Bros.



Original Poster:

3 posts

275 months

Thursday 25th April 2002
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Steve...Many thanks. I knew that someone would know. I checked in the bible but there is no mention. Is it a difficult job? I'm fairly competent mechanic having replaced most of the parts on the car over the last 10 years including an engine out nightmare Clutch change last year.


8,507 posts

283 months

Thursday 25th April 2002
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Never done it but pretty sure it would be straightforward. I suspect the whole lock needs to be replaced. Don't forget to get some extra keys cut.



61 posts

275 months

Thursday 25th April 2002
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I changed the steering lock on my Triumph Dolimite a couple of years ago and it wasn't too difficult, once you have got all the steering column trim out of the way. If the set up is similar and I should think it is the lock is originally held in place with sheer bolts so. Before drilling and taping them try using a hole punch on the outer edge of the head of the bolt, it will look like a disc, and try with a hammer tapping them undone ie unscrewing each bolt. I found that the bolts moved fairly easily and in fact re-used them when I re-installed the replacement lock using the centre punch method to do them up again.