Wraparound Dashboards

Wraparound Dashboards


shawn ford

Original Poster:

102 posts

282 months

Tuesday 23rd April 2002
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Just looking for some clarification on the wraparound dashboard. The Wedge Bible indicates that this dashboard 'was fitted to 400 SE and later cars.' I understand that to mean all wedges manufactured from the 400 SE onward to also include 430 SE and 450 SE, and not a dashboard that was exclusive to the 400 SE. However, I have seen G and H Reg 450 SE's with a more flush version of this dash like those found on the 420 SEAC but with Smith/Warner guages. What's the story?




26,901 posts

276 months

Wednesday 24th April 2002
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Errrr....it's a TVR??!!

Probably depends on whichever mould fell most easily to hand at the time!
Best not to worry, if it all works, I'd have said.



8,507 posts

283 months

Wednesday 24th April 2002
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The only standard TVR is the last one to be made. All others are prototypes!

Ian is right. Look at the production figures and the later cars were made in drips and drabs. I suspect that they simply used up parts or customers requested that type of dash.



1,323 posts

278 months

Wednesday 24th April 2002
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The only standard TVR is the last one to be made. All others are prototypes!

Ha ha! I like that.