Intermittent noise from rear wheel.

Intermittent noise from rear wheel.



Original Poster:

126 posts

279 months

Thursday 18th April 2002
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I have been getting an intermittent squeak from the offside rear of the car. The noise can be eliminated when the brakes are applied. Is this a sign of the wheel bearings going? Or is this something else?


20,854 posts

286 months

Thursday 18th April 2002
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It's the pedal on the right. When you push it hard the back wheels squeal - I have it all the time

(Sorry couldn't resist!)

Excuse ignorance but wheel bearings you can jack up the wheel and check for wear? whereas my mind initially sprang to brake pad sticking.......... only because I noticed one of mine managed that for a few yards this morning!


26,901 posts

276 months

Thursday 18th April 2002
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On most other cars you'd expect applying the brakes to make a difference, but how would this work on a Wedge with its inboard discs? But could still be a bearing.



3,829 posts

285 months

Thursday 18th April 2002
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Bearings usually make a loud groaning noise which make it difficult to hear anything (hmm, I forgot it's a TVR), anyway, you can tell if it a bearing, throw it deep into a corner so the car rolls onto the offending wheel! if the noise gets worse it's bearing!

But if it's squeaks it's probably your pads!!!


2,190 posts

280 months

Thursday 18th April 2002
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There are TWO brake squeaks from the back. One that stops when you press the brake pedal, and the other that stops when you apply the handbrake. They are guaranteed to be very loud if you are a) picking up a lady. b) arriving home late and trying not to wake the neighbours. c) have an audience.

As everything on mine is either new / refurbished within last 1000 miles I suspect I'm going to have to live with it. Mind you, in my experience, some squeaking / squealing is part and parcel of uprated brakes so I'm not complaining too much.


2,190 posts

280 months

Thursday 18th April 2002
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Had a collapsed bearing recently and never noticed a thing; like you said, it's a TVR and there is a lot of other noise

Check out the bearing thread at

Bearings usually make a loud groaning noise which make it difficult to hear anything (hmm, I forgot it's a TVR), anyway, you can tell if it a bearing, throw it deep into a corner so the car rolls onto the offending wheel! if the noise gets worse it's bearing!


Original Poster:

126 posts

279 months

Friday 19th April 2002
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It's the pedal on the right. When you push it hard the back wheels squeal - I have it all the time [\quote]

Well I walked into that one!

I have had new pads fitted on the front but the rear pads looked fine. The noise seems to get gradually louder and louder before I apply the brakes which eliminates the sound.

Update: - After new callipers\pads\flex the noise has gone away! wahooo!

>> Edited by Dave350iTVR on Tuesday 30th April 20:37