LT77 'box remote gear linkage probs...

LT77 'box remote gear linkage probs...



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276 months

Thursday 18th April 2002
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Right then. Hanging out the arse end of yer 5-speed ex-SD1 box is the remote control housing, on top of which sits the gearshift. Within this housing is a forged shaft, with a rose-joint type of insert at each end. The forged shaft slides in two bushes in the housing. Although the actual amount of wear in any of the components is small, the combined effect on my car is to shag up (technical term) the gearchange action. Don't get me wrong, it works OK, but it's slacker than my ex-wife. The first one, that is.... anyway, I've hunted high, low and all points in between for the rose inserts, but to no avail. Evidently the last stock of them was bought by some guy called Lucan. I tried LDV on someone's recommendation; although the Pilot uses something similar, it is just that: similar. The bushes are a different matter; I guess a competent machine shop could knock something up on a lathe (I'd do it myself, but the bushes are Metric and my lathe only works in Imperial...;-). However, the removable end of the forged shaft won't, er, remove. I tried twatting it (another techie expression) with an assortment of tools ranging from tapping stick to house bricks, and all that happened was my garage sank a bit lower into the garden. So I gave up in disgust and put it back on the car. For anyone else suffering shift troubles, it might be worth checking that the bias spring is set up correctly, and the reverse detent is in the right place. There's more adjustments than a Labour politician's expense account...
