Wind Deflector

Wind Deflector



Original Poster:

45 posts

279 months

Wednesday 17th April 2002
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I've noticed the latest crop of convertibles on the market now have a wind deflector stittng just behind the front seats. Does anyone know if there is anything available for TVRs. As much as I love blasting down the A1 at obsecene speeds, the wind noise gets a bit high drowning out the music and exhaust note. More to the point do they work?


3,799 posts

290 months

Wednesday 17th April 2002
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They do work as a mate of mine has one on his MX 5 and it definitly reduces buffeting etc, I think it also works with just a mesh so mabye a a pair of fishnets streched between headrests?


Original Poster:

45 posts

279 months

Thursday 18th April 2002
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Sounds interesting. Fishnets stretched between the seats. Never thought of that one!

>> Edited by Euphoria on Thursday 18th April 17:53