Wedge bible

Wedge bible



Original Poster:

234 posts

295 months

Tuesday 16th April 2002
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Hi all,

Just a quicky. It seems like I've misplaced my wedge bible. Looking at the cover photo on, it looks different to mine - as far as I can remember. Is this a new version (bought mine 2 years ago) or just a different cover? If it is, I'll buy a new one and not bother turning the flat upside down again.



36,010 posts

295 months

Tuesday 16th April 2002
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Looked under your Tiv


349 posts

287 months

Tuesday 16th April 2002
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Hi Dave ,No mine has a different cover as well.As far as i know there hasnt been an Issue 2.
suggest you send SHpub an quick mail to make sure.
Don't forget it's spiral bound if that helps to find it?


8,507 posts

283 months

Tuesday 16th April 2002
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The cover in the ads was for a prototype cover that didn't get used. There is only been a first edition so you can order and rest assured that you will get the latest.



Original Poster:

234 posts

295 months

Wednesday 17th April 2002
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Thanks guys.

Big dilemma now. Do I turn the flat upside down again, or just stump up the money for a new one - book that is, not the flat. I'll start by looking under the car and take it from there. Now where did I leave it?



1,244 posts

277 months

Wednesday 17th April 2002
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Buy another, then when your old one turns up (it will as soon as the new one arrives..), donate it to another PistonHeader!


26,901 posts

276 months

Thursday 18th April 2002
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Dammit, I was just going to say something similar, along the lines of " when the old one turns up I'll slip you a few quid for it...."




Original Poster:

234 posts

295 months

Tuesday 23rd April 2002
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Sorry folks. You'll no doubt be pleased to know that it's turned up. A mate with an SD1 had borrowed it - just out of interest of course. Don't know if he's planning to take bits off mine to improve his SD1 or if he's got something else planned? Look out for an SD1/390SE hybrid coming to the streets of Reading soon.


8,507 posts

283 months

Tuesday 23rd April 2002
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Rats I was relying on that sale for the next go faster goodie for the 520.

Glad you found it... I hate it when books go missing.
