Bonnet gas struts - Range Rover?

Bonnet gas struts - Range Rover?



Original Poster:

47 posts

291 months

Friday 16th March 2001
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I read somewhere (think it was Sprint mag) that the wedge bonnet struts are actually upper tailgate struts from a Range Rover (original model). Can anyone confirm this? I can get new Rangey ones for £12 each whereas Wedge Automotive want nearly £40! Hmmm - a listing of all the various parts and their origins would certainly be useful.


14 posts

276 months

Friday 4th January 2002
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probobly a bit late this but i used some rover 827 struts off the bonnet, they are the right length and work perfectly, plus they only cost £2 from a scrap yard and there are loads of 827s around