Duff Handbrake

Duff Handbrake



Original Poster:

3,799 posts

290 months

Wednesday 10th April 2002
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Despite much adjustment, rebuilding of mechanisims etc I'm still less than impressed with my wedges' handbrake, I'd have to say that the mechanisim is fundementally flawed as the pads are 'pinched' together with a hinge at the bottom so the contact area will never be over the whole pad but a series of points as the pad wears.

Has anyone modified / replaced this duff set-up with a brake that doesn't need weekly adjustment to be effective?



1,559 posts

286 months

Wednesday 10th April 2002
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A simple technique I use is to push your foot hard on the footbrake prior to applying handbrake. Seems to do the trick on my Chimaera. Just a thought, you've probably heard this trick B4.


36,010 posts

295 months

Thursday 11th April 2002
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Mine used to last 8 monthes or so before needing adjusting.


8,507 posts

283 months

Thursday 11th April 2002
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Yep... Quote was around 1200 pounds. Custom job because of the location. Biggest problem is the brass spreaders going soft and noit doing their job and the ratchet self tightening mechanism not working. I normally just tighten up the calliper (remove split pin, turn knob and refit split pin) every few months.
