350i FHC Auto?

350i FHC Auto?



Original Poster:

3 posts

278 months

Saturday 6th April 2002
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Does anyone know if they made a 350i FHC Auto
I would be interested in buying one if I can get in it.
At 6`6" and 18 stone V8`s are a very tight fit for me.No clutch should make it better.
My 280i FHC is 4sp and I don`t have a leg room problem in that, my friends V8 5sp is very tight and not really safe for me to drive.

Many thanks



45 posts

279 months

Saturday 13th April 2002
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To my knowledge the factory never made autos on the 350 range especially on the FHC. However, there was one about for sale on the TVR webmartpage although it was a conv.


8,507 posts

283 months

Saturday 13th April 2002
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To my knowledge the factory never made autos on the 350 range especially on the FHC. However, there was one about for sale on the TVR webmartpage although it was a conv.

Yes they made a few - I saw one in 1995 in blue!



2,190 posts

280 months

Saturday 13th April 2002
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Saw an Auto Tasmin at the Dorset Wedge themed meet earlier this year. Wasn't a FHC, but I think the owner was open to offers. Go for it !

Not sure if it was a 280 or 350, still sounded nice though.


3,799 posts

290 months

Sunday 14th April 2002
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As a fellow tallish driver (6'3" 15St) I can say that it may be worth looking into modifying the pedal box and mabye fitting a steering wheel with a flat at the bottom, as I 'just' fit comfortably into my 350i and these are a couple of mods I was looking to do at a later date.
Also make sure the steering column is adjusted up as far as poss.



1,052 posts

294 months

Sunday 14th April 2002
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I seem to remember it was an option but only one was ever built!