400se front wheel bearings

400se front wheel bearings


Ian V

Original Poster:

1,817 posts

279 months

Saturday 6th April 2002
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Can anyone let me know the correct torque settings for the front wheel bearing hub nut on a 400SE ?

Thanks Ian V


3,799 posts

290 months

Sunday 7th April 2002
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I dunno exactly as I've always just nipped them up then held it on the split-pin. but if you treat yourself to a Mk2 ford Granada haynes manual then that will tell you.



36,010 posts

295 months

Monday 8th April 2002
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I think there is a figure, torque it up then back orf, looking for me bible to check.


21,559 posts

295 months

Monday 8th April 2002
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Guys - they are needle rooler bearings.

You only need to tighten to a little over hand tight
with a socket set.



1,165 posts

278 months

Monday 8th April 2002
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MK2 Granda Manual says the following:
Tighten Adj nut to 27 lbf ft (36Nm) whilst rotating the wheel to ensure free movement and centralise the bearing. Slacken the nut back to 90 deg or until 0.001 to 0.005 in (0.03 to 0.13mm) endfloat of the hub assembly is obtained.
Best to get these things right otherwise you end up with premature wear of the bearing.
Cheers. SteveE