Gear selector rattle

Gear selector rattle



Original Poster:

126 posts

279 months

Thursday 4th April 2002
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When my 350i goes above 3500 rpm I get a rattle from the gear selector. Is this the sign of problems with my gearbox or could it be related to the fitting of a new clutch recently? Cheers, Dave.


2,505 posts

294 months

Thursday 4th April 2002
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it might be as simple as the nut holding the gear knob on coming slightly loose....mine does this occasionly and does a good job at making you think something bigger is about to brake! (not necessarily a nut - may be the collet type thing at the base of it). Of course the 350 gear know might not be the same as a 450 one (the 450 one is bound to be louder )


Original Poster:

126 posts

279 months

Thursday 4th April 2002
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So which way do you go to get at the offending nut \ collet? Is it from underneath the car or from the inside (I think I know the answer already - the most uncomfortable and awkward position possible!)


2,505 posts

294 months

Friday 5th April 2002
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if it is the same as mine the knob is a two piece design with a locking (well, supposed to be locking) chamfered ring approx 1cm wide at the base where it joins the gearstick. It is this bit that comes loose even though the rest of the knob is perfectly tight.


Original Poster:

126 posts

279 months

Friday 5th April 2002
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Is this part difficult to get at? What is the best method to tighten the locking ring?


2,505 posts

294 months

Friday 5th April 2002
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I can just turn it by hand - it only needs a couple of millimetres rotation to stop it rattling.

| |
| knob |
\________/ <---this bit here
|| <--gear lever


Original Poster:

126 posts

279 months

Monday 8th April 2002
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I know the part you are talking about now and it could do with being tightened up a bit but with what? allen key or a small screw driver? Turning it by hand doesn't seem to totally tighten it but there are three very small inlets where it looks like it might be able to be tightened from.

>> Edited by Dave350iTVR on Tuesday 9th April 08:56


26,901 posts

276 months

Tuesday 16th April 2002
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As a side-effect of pulling my engine out, I also pulled my gearbox out to change the drive flange seal. I also decided to investigate why my change action was a bit poor.
The gearstick is connected to the box via a linkage about 10" long. On each end of said linkage is a rose-type joint, basically a steel ball mounted in a nylon housing. The balls are drilled so that shafts can pass through them at right-angles to the linkage. One of these shafts is the gearstick, the other is the actual actuating rod that enters the gearbox. The linkage passes through two bushes in the alloy extension at the rear of the gearbox. These, plus the rose joints, have obvious play. Not much, but added together it means that the stick can move around a fair bit without actually moving the actuating shaft, i.e a sloppy action and loose gearshift.
Then, at the base of the stick is a steel cup that pulls the stick down into the extension. There's an anti-rattle spring and nylon plunger under that cup, and if you pull the stick out, they go flying. If you find them, they're a hard enough to reinstall with the gearbox on the floor, let alone still in a TVR! So maybe they've gone AWOL.....
