Buzzing fuelpump + "shaking" Wedge

Buzzing fuelpump + "shaking" Wedge



Original Poster:

170 posts

279 months

Wednesday 3rd April 2002
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1. This week I found out that the fuelpump is buzzing. Replace/repair it ASAP?

2. When my Wedge is running stationary it's shaking and running irregular. However the rpm are steady. Normal or are there (some) adjustments necessary?

>>> Edited by Cathelijne on Wednesday 3rd April 18:16


30,627 posts

295 months

Wednesday 3rd April 2002
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1. This week I found out that the fuelpump is buzzing. Replace/repair it ASAP?
The fuel pump does normally buzz. If the fuel pressure is OK I'd assume the pump is OK.


2. When my Wedge is running stationary it's shaking and running irregular. However the rpm are steady. Normal or are there (some) adjustments necessary?
This is normal, it's the car's way of reminding you it should be moving not stationary. (More seriously, a slightly lumpy idle is common when you have a long cam running at low revs. It *could* be caused by an intermittant misfire or some other fault, but if there are no other symptoms I'd assume it is just a characteristic of the cam.)


Original Poster:

170 posts

279 months

Thursday 4th April 2002
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Thanks for the fast aswer.

I know it should be moving not stationary, but if I want to keep it in 1 piece I'd better stop at the traffic lights (Playing "Who's making the most noise" with a truckdriver )


26,901 posts

276 months

Saturday 6th April 2002
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You don't say whether it's a V6 or a V8, but either would be capable of running fairly regularly if you had one cylinder not firing; this could be enough to make the car 'shake' however at tickover.
Try the old trick of pulling all the spark plug leads off one at a time with pliers (with the engine running!!) until you find no change in the engine note. That's the non-firing cylinder.



Original Poster:

170 posts

279 months

Saturday 6th April 2002
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You don't say whether it's a V6 or a V8...

Oops, forgot to say it's a V6. But if you read my profile you can see it's a 280.