Tickover adjustment

Tickover adjustment



Original Poster:

11,822 posts

295 months

Tuesday 2nd April 2002
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After a good old blast down to Combe on Monday to stretch the old girl's legs, I noticed that the tickover is running a bit quick at around 1400 rpm. I went to adjust it via the screw on the plenum (as per the bible's instruction) only to find that it appears to be blanked off?

Any idea where the adjustment may be other than this?



8,507 posts

283 months

Tuesday 2nd April 2002
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Your car is modified so, it is either:

1. It has been removed and the adjustment is by tweaking the throttle cable.
2. Or it has a hot wire system where a stepper motor controls the idle and may need cleaning. Black plastic thingy at the back of the plenum with a connector on it. Remove connector, unscrew, clean including the hole and put back but don't over tighten.
3. None of these and this serves you right for modifying the thing in the first place! You are on your own!


>> Edited by shpub on Tuesday 2nd April 15:15


Original Poster:

11,822 posts

295 months

Tuesday 2nd April 2002
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Thanks Steve.

I checked the throttle cable and it's slack at idle, although from what you say (and what I saw)it's got a stepper motor, so I'll give it a good clean.

I did find out that the braking is about as good as the QE2. An upgrade isn't 'desired' it's bloody required!


Btw. It was the previous owner who did the mods so I claim the fifth! Anyhow - you're a fine one to talk

>> Edited by Stig on Tuesday 2nd April 15:22