wiring ???

wiring ???



Original Poster:

86 posts

279 months

Monday 1st April 2002
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i am installing an electirc fan on my 2801 in place of the mechanical one. what would be my best bet to hook one up, how would i do it. also my fuel pump only works when i run a line from the batt. where would i find any relays or connections that could possably need to be fixed or cleaned?


26,901 posts

276 months

Saturday 6th April 2002
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Have a look at the airflow meter (sits on top of the air filter). There should be a connector on the side next to the inner wing. With the ignition on, unplug the connector. Fuel pump should run. If not, there are two relays that control the fuel pump. You should hear one of them clicking if you repeatedly connect/ disconnect the connector to the airlow meter. Normally you'd also get a brief buzz from the pump at the same time. There is a big multiplug at the front left-hand side of the engine bay, below the leading edge of the bonnet. The fuel pump feed goes through that connector. Worth checking for corrosion. There was also (on my 280) a bullet connector in the red/ black fuel pump feed, cable-tied to the chassis around the l/h engine mount area.
If it helps and you want to give me your email, I can probably send you a schematic for the fuel system wiring.
