How could it do this to me?!!

How could it do this to me?!!



Original Poster:

1,323 posts

278 months

Sunday 31st March 2002
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Picture the scene...

I've just finished proudly showing a prospective buyer round my lovely 280i. He's done all the usual prodding and poking and seems suitably impresed.
So it's time to take him out for a ride in it. We hit the open road, he loves the sound, I decide to overtake a dawdling Volvo to show him it's turn of speed, I power past it, change up to third when...



Just leaving me with 1st, 2nd, 5th, reverse and two extra neutrals!

You can imagine my embarrassment.

I sometimes forget that whilst sportscars have the ability to really impress people, they also have a massive capacity to embarrass the hell out their owners too.

Anybody else have any similarly horriffic stories to make me feel a little better?

And do any of you technical folks have any thoughts on the gearbox? I'm hoping that just losing 3rd & 4th (with no bangs, crunches or noise of any kind) means that it may be a simple selector problem (since 3rd & 4th are in line with eachother) and not replacement gearbox time.
The only indication of any problems was a slight reluctance for it to go into 3rd sometimes.
I'd be gratefull for any soothing words before I take it to the garage on Tuesday.


1,206 posts

276 months

Sunday 31st March 2002
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Sure sounds like a selector problem, may even be just a 2bob roll pin securing the selector fork to the shaft. Whatever its going to be a gearbox out and strip job i reckon.


36,010 posts

295 months

Sunday 31st March 2002
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Had that on a mini once. Turned out to be a selector fork retaining bolt fell out. Overtaking a slow car as well, off a roundabout 1st, 2nd, along side slow car, 3rd er where's 3rd or fourth. Sheepish grin and pull back in.


Original Poster:

1,323 posts

278 months

Monday 1st April 2002
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I certainly hope so guys.

I'll find out within the next couple of days. It would be nice if it was just a pin, it would at least save me the expense of a gearbox.
And since I've still got the bill for the man-hours used in getting the thing out I may as well get them to put a fresh clutch in while they're at it eh?

Toby Noble

107 posts

277 months

Tuesday 9th April 2002
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Bob, any problems getting into first on startup or while still cold?

Even here in Australia my 280i needs persuasion in the morning. The previous owner was going to drain the 'box and refill with a lighter oil but didn't get around to it. I understand a special tool is needed to get the old oil out as there is no plug.


Original Poster:

1,323 posts

278 months

Monday 15th April 2002
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Everything about the box was fine until it lost it's gears.

It turned out to be the sychro on just 3rd & 4th and not something as simple as a roll pin (worse luck).
I didn't have much joy getting a replacement box (they're getting a bit rare now) so I've had my old one reconditioned.

My mechanic managed to get it in and out without removing the engine. Very impressive! A bit like making a ship in a bottle I imagine

So a happy ending. The TVR's better and I've forgiven it (well the sun's shining - y'know how it is)

Think I'll take it out and give it the thrashing of it's life!