Castle Combe

Castle Combe



Original Poster:

629 posts

278 months

Sunday 31st March 2002
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Just wondering if there will be any other wedge's at Castle Combe tomorrow, apart from Nacnud's Seac.

Gavin and 350i.


1,206 posts

276 months

Sunday 31st March 2002
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Not decided yet, I may go to Castle Combe but it`s a long trek. May well go to Brands Hatch for the GT`s instead. Big advantage that its only ten minutes away by TVR.
Dave and a Gold 350i


Original Poster:

629 posts

278 months

Sunday 31st March 2002
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Where abouts are you based. Did you see picture's off my wedge from the last PH's meet at Virginia Waters. It would be good to get two matching(?) 350i's together.
Gavin and (also) gold 350i.


36,010 posts

295 months

Sunday 31st March 2002
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I got stitched at the last minute and have to work. Bugger, I was looking forward to it as well.


2,190 posts

280 months

Sunday 31st March 2002
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See you there.

Almost a last minute crisis with a collapsed wheel bearing, but those nice people down the M5 sorted it out yesterday.


Original Poster:

629 posts

278 months

Sunday 31st March 2002
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I'm really looking forward to seeing and hearing the SEAC. After Patrick's display last weekend it has a lot to live up to, that sounded amazing! See you tomorrow.


2,869 posts

293 months

Sunday 31st March 2002
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Count me in.

Mica Blue TVR 350i - G123VYJ.

Give me a shout if you fancy a chat.

Mike ;-)