450SE Wedge fan update

450SE Wedge fan update



Original Poster:

61 posts

294 months

Thursday 28th March 2002
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Have managed to get the car sorted at last !

Those very kind people at Kenlowe managed to come up with a solution by modifying an existing pattern.
Seems to work well & is much quieter than the original unit.

They have kept my fan housing and are using it as a former to work on an 'off the peg' unit for other owners that have a similar unit to my own i.e. 35 cm housing / plenum.

Will post part no. when they come back to me.

BTW Very interesting hearing the negative comments re: TVR, apparently Kenlowe finally gave up on them after going bust for the 4th time ! Explains why most models seem to be kitted out with inferior quality ancillaries !!!


Tim 450SE - J814GGO


8,507 posts

283 months

Friday 29th March 2002
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Don't want to worry you but I got fed up with Kenlowe motors/fans burning (4 of them) out on the 520 and have now replaced them with a pair of Chimaera one that actually work reliably. The last one lasted about 4 weeks.
