400se Discs again ( sorry ! )

400se Discs again ( sorry ! )


nick heppinstall

Original Poster:

8,360 posts

291 months

Thursday 28th March 2002
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Hi all,

I have to replace the front discs on my 400se. In Steve's Wedge Bible he says the discs are 269mm ventilated from the Ford Granada.

Mine look like standard discs. Does anyone have a part number ? If not then what year or model Granada do I need to quote when buying ?



p.s. Also posted to TVRCC list and UK.rec.cars.tvr


12,640 posts

291 months

Thursday 28th March 2002
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If you are replacing the disks why not go for a brake upgrade?

nick heppinstall

Original Poster:

8,360 posts

291 months

Thursday 28th March 2002
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Hi Kevin. I did toy with the idea however I never take the car on track days and to be honest the brakes don't get much hammer ! I've discovered I can pick up a couple of standard vented discs for about £13 each. If I had plenty of cash to burn then I would probably have gone for the upgrade.


3,799 posts

290 months

Friday 29th March 2002
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Its the MkII 2.8 granny not sure which year but I always ask for 1984/5 which seems to work OK.



36,010 posts

295 months

Friday 29th March 2002
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Not sure about the 400 but when I upgraded the 350 I gave Wedge a call. Had a chat, paid and all the bits arrived and fiited a treat, which was nice.


166 posts

294 months

Friday 29th March 2002
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I have just fitted the granada discs on mine with princess calipers , the pads slightly overhang the outside diameter of the disc, this doesnt seem a problem as the capri's use a similar upgrade but with standard capri discs which are a lot smaller and over hang no end, the discs that you want are actually 262 mm dia x 24 thick not like the ones stated in the manual which are 269 dia (these never seemed to exist, i have tried many dealers, specialists and even tvr, the disc part no. is girling df1640 (this is actually for the standard non vented disc but the dealer should be able to tell you the vented version, it is exactly the same but twice as thick.


11,822 posts

295 months

Tuesday 2nd April 2002
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Beware the pads overhanging the disks. As they wear, you'll get to a point where the pad material will be making contact and prevent any pressure from being applied to the disk itself and you'll have no brakes!

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