Am I being a dipstick?

Am I being a dipstick?



Original Poster:

126 posts

279 months

Sunday 24th March 2002
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Recently I changed the Oil and dumped 5 litres of 15w/50 oil in but the dipstick doesn't seem to measure the oil level very well. The first impression is that the oil level is below the low level indicator, but the dipsrick rod seems to leave an oil measure along one side edge of the rod. This doesn't seem to be an accurate way of judging how much oil I have in there. Is this a common issue? Is there not enough oil in there? No warning lights appear and oil pressure looks fine. I don't want to overfill nor not have enough.

>>> Edited by Dave350iTVR on Sunday 24th March 19:04


1,206 posts

276 months

Sunday 24th March 2002
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The oil capacity is 4.7 litres including the filter. That little bit extra should not cause any problem though. The oil trail up the edge of the dipstick is caused by capillary action, just look for the level right across the stick


Original Poster:

126 posts

279 months

Monday 25th March 2002
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Thanks for that! I thought I'd check just to be on the safe side. I have topped it up accordingly now. How much oil do you guys go through on average?