B309 CHG series 1

B309 CHG series 1



Original Poster:

8 posts

182 months

Wednesday 13th January 2010
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does anyone know b309chg blue series 1 350i original trim was red ,currently being changed to black ,as the red was bloody awful,any previous owners or info please,been off road since 06 hoping to finish it for spring if my pockets will go even deeper cheers scott.

Mellow Yellow

903 posts

271 months

Thursday 23rd February 2023
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Yes, apologies for the late reply, only 13 yrs!

I owned it in the mid 90s. It came to me with the red interior, cloth was tatty so I had it all replaced, also had the wheels refurbed in plain silver (originally diamond cut/blue) and new S2 hood fitted. Currently showing SORN, last MOT expired in 2015, wonder if it's still around?

It was very red!


637 posts

270 months

Thursday 23rd February 2023
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God old days than!

Is this an Austin Metro in the background? The TVR was a monster compared to this!

And you’ve googled your old licence plate and found this thread?

Mellow Yellow

903 posts

271 months

Thursday 23rd February 2023
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Granturadriver said:
And you’ve googled your old licence plate and found this thread?
Yep, exactly that, annoyed I missed it at the time. Clearly the OP got it MOT'd but seems to have vanished since then. I followed it up with three Griff 500s but think I may have left the TVR fold for good now, you never know though would love a Sag or T350 but Firmly back in the Lotus fold ATM


1,307 posts

240 months

Thursday 23rd February 2023
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I love the red interior but I may be biased

Mellow Yellow

903 posts

271 months

Friday 24th February 2023
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I love the red interior but I may be biased

You should do the door cards to match the seat centres. If you have the fabric it's a doddle, there's no stitching so just whip off the cards remove the old fabric and use spray contact adhesive to stick it.


1,307 posts

240 months

Friday 24th February 2023
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Good thinking, I will put it on the list of things to do thumbup