Wedge exhaust : Stainless vs mild steel ?

Wedge exhaust : Stainless vs mild steel ?



Original Poster:

61 posts

294 months

Friday 22nd March 2002
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Well it looks like it's finally time to renew the full system on my 450 SE ( SEAC type ).

The thing is as my unit is some 10 yrs old and the 'wear' is mainly due to clearance damage, so why bother with stainless ?

With the average prices from the independents working out at a very cheap ( sic ! ) 700 - 900 gbp I don't see the benefits,
especially when you see the amount of posts viz. stress fractures etc....

I am seriously thinking about getting a complete unit manufactured specifically for my car and at 16 gbp/hour labour
charges I could probably have all the clearance issues dealt with and maybe even have a rear box with adjustable
baffles fabricated ?

Would be interested in any opinions or similar experiences please


Tim 450SE - J814GGO

Paul V

4,489 posts

288 months

Friday 22nd March 2002
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Yeah but doesn’t your exhaust scrape due to the fact it doesn’t run the standard line? It may be worth getting the £16 ph people to do the exhaust in stainless, its not really going to add much cost to the price as the main price is the labour time.


Original Poster:

61 posts

294 months

Friday 22nd March 2002
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My exhaust runs the 'standard' SEAC line i.e under the d/shafts in a straight line with just one large box.
I don't want to go the 400 way as it looks too contorted and is transferring even more heat to the inboard discs and diff. The other consideration for me is that just after the 'Y' piece at the front, the single pipe sits tight up against the gearbox sump. which is very bad.

My argument with stainless vs mild is that 10 years is good enough for any system. They will all need changing due to clearance damage and clogging up surely ?



Paul V

4,489 posts

288 months

Friday 22nd March 2002
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Yeah but stainless looks better surely at £16 ph it can't take them more than 20 hrs so £320 plus materials is still not going to cost to much, might be worth finding out the difference in price of materials from these people, with the exhaust bits I recently had it was only a extra £40 I think so thought may as well go stainless. You could consider this especially if they are making a system that won’t ground out all the time.


Original Poster:

61 posts

294 months

Friday 22nd March 2002
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The V8's create a great deal more heat under the hood
and I think this is why so many people suffer fractures
with the s/s systems. Mild steel will take a great deal more heat abuse.



Rus Wood

1,233 posts

278 months

Sunday 24th March 2002
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I can recommend PD Gough (near Nottingham). They fitted my 390 with a stainless system one year and the manifolds the next. I drove the car up there one morning and collected it that evening. The system is as near as possible to the original except a heavy gauge protective plate under the centre box. The systems come with a lifetime guarantee.

You were very lucky to get ten years from a MS system.


3,799 posts

290 months

Sunday 24th March 2002
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I was quoted 295 quid + vat for each manifold from PD gough but they do offer a lifetime gaurentee, bizarrley they told me they didn't have a pattern for my car (350i) and would have to copy an existing set unless they don't know a 390 is the same as a 350.

Also Stainless is much better exhaust material as it retains much more strength at temperature than mild. The problems occur when the weld quality isn't good and then due the increased stiffness of het material over mild it can have a propensity to crack.



2,190 posts

280 months

Sunday 24th March 2002
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Me and my SEAC have just got back from Cornwall and the new exhaust system took a severe beating where it passes under the diff.

It can't stay like it is as I have negligiable ground clearance and I'm destroying the exhaust.

Any suggestions ?


36,010 posts

295 months

Sunday 24th March 2002
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Sure mine goes over the half shaft. The 350 did.


12,640 posts

291 months

Monday 25th March 2002
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Me and my SEAC have just got back from Cornwall and the new exhaust system took a severe beating where it passes under the diff.

It can't stay like it is as I have negligiable ground clearance and I'm destroying the exhaust.

Any suggestions ?

Sell me your SEAC pleeease


2,190 posts

280 months

Monday 25th March 2002
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For some reason, SEACs have a different boot floor and the 'over the half shaft' option is a non-starter.

I've seen another SEAC which split the exhaust into two smaller bore pipes before going under the diff and rejoining before exiting the rear; even with the extra inch or so of ground clearance they needed a skid plate welded to the two pipes and it had considerable wear.

It ought to be possible to solve the problem by using small bore pipes exiting just in front of the rear wheels. I reckon it would sound / look good but I've been told that side-pipes may be illegal in the UK. Anybody know the score ?

Sure mine goes over the half shaft. The 350 did.


6,025 posts

294 months

Monday 25th March 2002
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My 400SE has a stainless exhaust made by the guys at Powerflow. They got rid of the over the driveshaft and across the back bits, and went for a straight pipe front to back, doing a small twist and turn at the rear to exit the bodywork through the correct hole.
My exhaust goes under the diff hanger as a single 3" pipe. You can get better ground clearance if you use twin 1/2"pipes, and join them again at the back.
As for manifoulds .. I have stainless ones fitted by Peninsula. These fit into a stainless central silencer just infront of the gearbox.
The center pipe does ground out on speed bumps, but it also throws 3' flames on overrun !!!


6,025 posts

294 months

Monday 25th March 2002
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My 400SE has a stainless exhaust made by the guys at Powerflow. They got rid of the over the driveshaft and across the back bits, and went for a straight pipe front to back, doing a small twist and turn at the rear to exit the bodywork through the correct hole.
My exhaust goes under the diff hanger as a single 3" pipe. You can get better ground clearance if you use twin 1/2"pipes, and join them again at the back.
As for manifoulds .. I have stainless ones fitted by Peninsula. These fit into a stainless central silencer just infront of the gearbox.
The center pipe does ground out on speed bumps, but it also throws 3' flames on overrun !!!


6,025 posts

294 months

Monday 25th March 2002
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The V8's create a great deal more heat under the hood
and I think this is why so many people suffer fractures
with the s/s systems. Mild steel will take a great deal more heat abuse.



I dont know though Tim, My wedge creates a shit load of heat, I also have exhaust wrap on my manifoulds and downpipes to help reduce underbonnet heat. My exhaust has not suffered and stress fractures. The exhaust is 4 years old. mind you, even with the simplicity of my design, the tailpipe is so hot after a good run it will sear bare flesh (I have the scars on my legs to proove it!)

I have a quote from a company in Cardiff that build exhausts in Stainless for Marcos's and the guys I spoke to last year only quoted me £350 inc VAT for a replacement performance tuned system.


Original Poster:

61 posts

294 months

Monday 25th March 2002
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Thanks for replys guys.......

Nacnud, I believe that Karl Cordwell has fitted a side
exiting pipe to his 450 SEAC ( I have been waiting for him to e-mail some shots for me ).

Jason, If your happy with the existing system why are
you considering a new one from the guys in Cardiff.

Is the old one crushed already ( or are you really that patriotic )

If enough are interested in some side exiting unit can we not get together on this ???


Tim 450 SE


6,025 posts

294 months

Thursday 28th March 2002
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Jason, If your happy with the existing system why are
you considering a new one from the guys in Cardiff.

Is the old one crushed already ( or are you really that patriotic )

If enough are interested in some side exiting unit can we not get together on this ???


Tim 450 SE

Basically Tim, the current one is Too loud. I cannot do track days. To add to that, the current system was great when I rented and didnt mind anoying my neighbours, but in the new house it really does reverberate throughout the entire street when I start the car in the garage. I guess im just getting old !