turbo 280i?

turbo 280i?



Original Poster:

3 posts

276 months

Wednesday 20th March 2002
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Thanks for all the advice.I want to stay with a fhc, so what about turbos? Does anyone have any recomendations in the South West area for a supplier?


86 posts

279 months

Thursday 21st March 2002
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i was looking into doing this, i think over in europe there were some turbo granda 2.8i made, same motor as in the 280i. here is a link i found its pritty impressive the numbers http://home.c2i.net/jloevset/default.htm i was thinking going the super charger way as well. i think it would be alot easior to hook up and you would have to worry about custom manifolds and exhaust.
good luck let me know w/ any progress you make
mike kenney


8,507 posts

283 months

Thursday 21st March 2002
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Not wishing to sound like a stuck record but putting more power into a Tasmin is not simply a matter of doing something to the engine. The rest of the car has to be upgraded to cope and that can easily double the costs involved. Brakes, suspension and chassis all need to be included in the equation.

I speak from experience here. The more power I put into the 520, the more work I have to do on the rest of the car!



166 posts

294 months

Thursday 21st March 2002
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have you thought of the 24 valve v6 cosworth as mentioned on the project cars link of this site, just putting the word cosworth on the back makes people think twice



1,165 posts

278 months

Friday 22nd March 2002
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If you are interested in the ultimate V6 Cosworth have a look at this web site www.topbossperformance.co.uk/index2.htm
It shows what can be achived with this engine.

taz 24

62 posts

278 months

Sunday 9th June 2002
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I've now got the 24valve on the road, what a difference! These chaps are right I have already destroyed a brake caliper and uj, now the diff's moaning more than my wife. Worth it though!!!


1,165 posts

278 months

Monday 10th June 2002
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Duncan, did Top Boss do a good job on the car?