replacement windscreen

replacement windscreen



Original Poster:

273 posts

284 months

Tuesday 19th March 2002
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Anyone know what a new windscreen will set me back (350i), and where would I get one from? Mine has the usual unsightly delamination on the passenger side, and a small 2" crack running across the bottom corner. Not sure if the crack is an MOT fail or not, but reckon I might need to replace the screen anyway. Anyone got any experiences of getting it replaced?


8,507 posts

283 months

Tuesday 19th March 2002
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A new screen fitted is around 350-400 pounds. Has to be cut out so not a task for the inexperienced as get it wrong and you cut the interior.



1,474 posts

279 months

Tuesday 19th March 2002
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windscreens arent as dear as they used to be, if you are paying ,not the insurance ,you should get one for £150. Well you can in essex


205 posts

277 months

Tuesday 19th March 2002
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I've got exactly the same problems with my 280i winscreen - I'm thinking of claiming my insurance (most policies allow unlimited winscreen claims without effecting your NCB or charging an excess).


8,507 posts

283 months

Wednesday 20th March 2002
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windscreens arent as dear as they used to be, if you are paying ,not the insurance ,you should get one for £150. Well you can in essex

Mine has the tinted glass sun strip which is a bit more expensive and then there is the several hours labour... VAT etc.

I paid mine and then reclaimed from the insurers (talk to them first though as some may insist that you use autoglass who can be very good or in my experience pretty awful.



21,559 posts

295 months

Wednesday 20th March 2002
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I'd second Steve's response about Autoglass - they are cowboys !

They have been to replace the screen and rubbers on my Griff 500 since August last.

I finally fired them when one turned up on a horse
wearing a stetson and waving a six shooter !

Take it to a TVR dealer...
