Clutch Replacement

Clutch Replacement



Original Poster:

273 posts

284 months

Monday 18th March 2002
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I think the thrust bearing in my clutch has gone in my 350i (sounds like a bag of nuts in a washing machine when you press the pedal)
I know this is an engine out job to replace the clutch (ouch!)
The question I have, it there anything else I should consider getting done/checked while the engine is out?
I am also considering using a local (non dealer) garage to do the job. Is there anything they should know to ensure the job is done properly? (I'm on a budget to get the car roadworthy) Any advice would be appreciated.


126 posts

279 months

Monday 18th March 2002
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Someone who is not familar with TVR's might cause more damage and end up costing you even more. Wedge Automotive did my clutch and did a very professional job. Richard Thorpe is a good guy and knows wedges inside out. Make sure you get a proper AP Clutch fitted if you do go elsewhere. A well known main dealer told me they could do the job in under 4 hours (by cutting the chassis....nice??) - so you can image what a non-TVR 'expert' might do. How much is your budget? Mine cost me just under £500 for parts and labour.


1,474 posts

279 months

Monday 18th March 2002
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What is this myth that a tvr 350 is something different, its just a rover sdi vitesse engine and box. OK the car is more valuable, why not have a go yourself with a couple of friends one saturday.


8,507 posts

283 months

Tuesday 19th March 2002
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There are two methods of removing the gearbox to get to the clutch: 1 remove engine and the second is to move the engine forward about 8 inches to drop out from underneath. Both take about the same time and unless you have access to a good engine hoist, don't even think about it.

It is described in the Wedge bible. I have done both. Tower View have since modified my chassis so I can drop the gearbox to change the clutch as clutches on the car are now consumable



Original Poster:

273 posts

284 months

Tuesday 19th March 2002
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How much is your budget?
Hoping to get passed the MOT and an engine service for £1k. The clutch needs replaced, as do the rear brakes (pads & disks). The front disks will probably be ok with a skim to remove surface rust. Some other minor electrical stuff is all I'm hoping is wrong for the MOT. Sidelights on the bumber don't come on (anyone else seen this?), and an indicator on the front is not working (possibly wiring).

I'm not that good mechanically, so I'll leave the clutch to an expert, but I'll tinker with the electrics, and any other smaller jobs (like brakes) myself.

Got a quote for £375 from a local garage, but don't know what type of clutch they will be putting in. I will check out our local TVR expert Noel Flannery in Edinburgh for a price for the clutch.


126 posts

279 months

Sunday 24th March 2002
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For an extra £125 - its worth getting the right clutch fitted by a TVR specialist. I've got a 12 month warranty on the this clutch (including labour) from Wedge Auto.


2,190 posts

278 months

Friday 29th March 2002
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I had similar electrical problems on my car and you'll more than likely find its a bad earth causing the fault due to corrosion of the light assembly. I haven't found replacements - anyone know of stock anywhere? - so had to 'modify' the earth connection.


1,525 posts

278 months

Friday 29th March 2002
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Give it to guys who know what they are doing!!!

I had a Calibra Turbo and gave it to "clutch specialist" company who had experience with these cars. Not only did the car feel different, the clutch had to be replaced twice because it kept slipping. It was under warranty so didn't cost anything, but the hassle of taking to be looked at and repaired etc was such a waste of time that it more than nulled the savings from not taking to the right garage. For £125, really and truly not worth the saving!! Thats just my opinion, but remember it is a TVR.


Original Poster:

273 posts

284 months

Friday 29th March 2002
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Thanks for all the input, guys. I finally decided to take it to Noel Flannery in Edinburgh who is doing the clutch, the brakes (front and rear) and the chassis outriggers which I have just found out are not in great shape.
Noel is an ex TVR mechanic who has set himself up as an independent, and among other things, prepares race Tasmins. He also does not charge TVR prices, but has TVR expertise. The brakes are being upgraded from the bog standard granny ones to the ones used by the Tasmin racers.
It is not a full body off job either, as the outriggers can fortunately be repaired in-situ. Noel uses specialist chassis repairers who have experience of Tasmins through the race series. The rest of the chassis looks ok too.
As for the sidelights on the bumper, it doesn't look as if there is any wiring going to them at all. I might have to rewire them myself to get them working.