Wedge trailing arm suspension

Wedge trailing arm suspension



Original Poster:

1,323 posts

278 months

Sunday 17th March 2002
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Anyone know how much the Wedge trailing arm suspension kits cost that are available from tower view?

I tried the website but it had neither prices or email (not that I could see anyhoo).

Oh, and are they any good, and what are they like to fit?

Any feedback would be appreciated.


>>> Edited by bobfrance on Sunday 17th March 20:11

c j morgan

44 posts

278 months

Sunday 17th March 2002
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make sure they fit your car from that place without
having to modify the kit yourself before ordering!
because they will not give you a refund . i ordered a product from them and it would not fit and they bluff you off so be WARNED!
>> Edited by c j morgan on Sunday 17th March 23:17

>> Edited by c j morgan on Sunday 17th March 23:24


30,627 posts

295 months

Monday 18th March 2002
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make sure they fit your car from that place without
having to modify the kit yourself before ordering!
because they will not give you a refund . i ordered a product from them and it would not fit and they bluff you off so be WARNED!
>> Edited by c j morgan on Sunday 17th March 23:17

>> Edited by c j morgan on Sunday 17th March 23:24

Quite surprised to read this. If Tower View told you it would fit your car, I'd expect them to replace it or refund your money if it turns out they were wrong. But on the other hand if you specified the bits and it turns out you were wrong, that's your problem.


Original Poster:

1,323 posts

278 months

Monday 18th March 2002
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Hmm, they look like they're adjustable on the picture. But then again I don't know exactly where they fix to.

Is there anyone from Towerview on this forum?

Perhaps this is a job for our resident guru Steve Heath.

cj morgan

14 posts

277 months

Monday 18th March 2002
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no the parts i got from them are right for the car its
that the workman ship off the parts is very poor and they dont fit but so just make sure they are up to the job


1,165 posts

278 months

Tuesday 19th March 2002
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If you are looking to uprate the trailing arm suspension it would be worth speaking to Richard Moore at Moore racing. I know they have done some development to uprate the suspension on the Tas Race Cars. Tel No 01908 368960. They also have a website but I don't know the URL, search should find it.
Regards SteveE


Original Poster:

1,323 posts

278 months

Tuesday 19th March 2002
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I found the site at Bugger all on it tho'

I'm not really after getting the ultimate suspension package for my 280i (I'm probably selling and upgrading to another TVR anyway) I just fancy trying to reduce that trailing arm wobble and judder a bit.

Has anybody out there done this themselves?


8,507 posts

283 months

Wednesday 20th March 2002
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The Tower View units have been fitted to quite a few tassies and the reports have been pretty good in that they are a big help. It is worth chceking that the rest of the system is is fine shape first, especially the pivot pin as this can negate any advantages that the bar provides.

It clamps onto the lower frame and chassis. I've heard of no fitting problems partly because it is difficult to change chassis on every car unlike brakes.

As for the other comments:

For some reasons (error, different brakes fitted to car or whatever), the brake kit and I believe in particular the machined alloy spacer for the calliper did not fit. These things happen and in particular with TVRs very often because of the way they were built. The normal procedure is to contact the supplier and return the goods undamaged. In this case, an attempt involving several hours grinding was made to make them fit before talking to TV or trying to return them for a replacement.


c j morgan

44 posts

278 months

Thursday 21st March 2002
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when you spend near 400 pounds on the brakes converion
they should fit and the wheels should not hit the brake
callipers and rub. there shit and when i asked tv about this they said rub the brake callipers down to stop them rub in badly YOU DONT SAND DOWN BRAKE CALLIPERS they were made that thick for a reson POOR
when i talk to the owner about fitting the brakes he said him self they are hard work on the phone to me
and said they have to play with them to make them fit
bye the way i do have a standed car so dont try that one i had two mechanic and a engineer and my self to fit them in a workshop fully tooled out and they dont fit so if i was in to magic thats the only way they wood go on or as tv said i can pay them 200 pounds to fit them but they said becos i had a nightmare with them they wood fit them for 100 pounds why should i pay
for them to fit them when the brakes are not fit for my car the people who made them should pay after all the thing we went throw so thats my side of it still waiting for the refund so be warned about the brakes
before you buy them
>> Edited by c j morgan on Thursday 21st March 17:11

>> Edited by c j morgan on Thursday 21st March 17:58


30,627 posts

295 months

Thursday 21st March 2002
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I'm not speaking for or on behalf of Tower View. I've no commercial relationship with Tower View except as a happy customer, and I don't know anything about your particular brakes, or what you and Tower View may have said to each other in the past. In particular I still don't know what they said about how suitable the brakes were for your particular car.

From the sound of it I'm guessing you've got brakes which are a *really* tight fit in the wheel, presumably 300mm rotors in 15" wheels? Mine were the same and Dave warned me when I got them that it was going to be a tight fit. It took a lot of work to get it fitted, they had to change a wheel bearing that was allowing slightly too much play and it took several goes to make sure I had enough clearance for expansion as things got hot and expanded. Tower View were great about it and kept at it until it was spot on. You surely don't think they charge that much just for doing up four bolts do you?

To be honest, since I know the guys at Tower View quite well and I don't know you at all, I give them the benefit of the doubt. Clearly you're unhappy, but if your last reply is any indication of the tone you took with Tower View then do you really expect them to go out of their way to help you? I certainly wouldn't give you the time of day if you approached me with a tirade like that. Hope you do get it sorted out to your satisfaction, in my experience Tower View are very reasonable people to deal with but then I don't tend to launch into them like that.

cj morgan

14 posts

277 months

Thursday 21st March 2002
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When I called TV to let them know how much problems I was having fitting the brake conversion I ordered from them and I was very polite and said I don't want them if it is going to go through this much effort to fit them and just asked for a refund. I never even attempted to try and fit them on the other side of the vehicle. I have wrote a letter of complaint stating all my reasons why I rather have a refund and not have to muck around spending lots of money to fit them. I am still waiting for TV to reply to me but I have seeked legal advice.

The other part of my complaint to TV was that I had to wait 3 months for the brake conversion to arrive.

The only reason I have started to get a very defensive attituted is because TV have told me they are not willing to give me a refund but are willing to fit them for me for £100 just for a few bolts as you refer to fitting yours. You told me yourself TV had quite a few complinations themselves ie wheelbearings, brakes over heating and inaedquate fittment.

When you come to change you brake pads it would not surprise me if you will find uneven wear on your brake pads due to the way they are probably out of balance.

cj morgan

14 posts

277 months

Thursday 21st March 2002
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to fit the brake con to me but they said they wood do it for a 100 just a few bolts why how much did it cost you were they trying to rip me off there to
they said that they wood fit to me and if i new that the brake con was such a pain to fit i wood have saved the money SO IF SOMEONE WANTS THIS PAIN BRAKE KIT BEWARNED AS THERE A PAIN TO FIT AND COST A LOT TO AND MUCKING ABOUT WITH REGARDS


30,627 posts

295 months

Thursday 21st March 2002
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You told me yourself TV had quite a few complinations themselves ie wheelbearings, brakes over heating and inaedquate fittment.

I didn't say anything about brakes overheating or inadequate fitment, I haven't suffered from either of these problems. The brakes (especially the rotors) expand as they come up to full operating temperature. You have to leave enough space between the caliper and the rotor for this. You also need to leave enough space between the caliper and the wheel to allow the wheels to float on the bearings. It's a tough compromise and in my case there wasn't much room to play with. I can imagine that in some cars with slightly different tolerances they might not fit at all, on others they might go on easily. Best way to find out is to try, but if you're going for absolutely the biggest brakes that could possibly fit, you have to be aware they might not fit easily, or at all.

When you come to change you brake pads it would not surprise me if you will find uneven wear on your brake pads due to the way they are probably out of balance.

Why do you say this? In fact I'm on my sixth (I think) set of pads and second set of rotors. They get an *extremely* hard life but I've had no problems so far, in fact I think these brakes are absolutely superb both in terms of performance and durability.

nick heppinstall

8,360 posts

291 months

Friday 22nd March 2002
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CJ ....

Towerview. Great bunch of guys. I ordered a throttle cable from them last summer. Wrong cable. Returned for a refund no problem.

p.s. Please TRY NOT TO SHOUT

p.p.s. Please try to use punctuation in your sentences because I nearly passed out reading your posts !


Original Poster:

1,323 posts

278 months

Friday 22nd March 2002
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I only asked a simple question. I certainly didn't intend to cause a fight!

And as for...

p.p.s. Please try to use punctuation in your sentences because I nearly passed out reading your posts !

...i fink yoo ava point about the punktuaton not to mention the speling i think it was posiblee typed in the eat of the moment that CJ sounds like a pretty angry fellow tho i thank him for his opinion all the same.

...Now breathe!

Toby Noble

107 posts

277 months

Tuesday 9th April 2002
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Funny funny. After that lot I'm not game to look at my 280i brakes at all.

Pardon my ignorance but are the uprated brakes just for "racing" or v. fast driving purposes where fade would occur?

They're not going to help me stop any faster in an everyday situation are they? (Please say no.)


8,507 posts

283 months

Wednesday 10th April 2002
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Yes they do. I tested my 2000 spec brakes and found that I could stop from 60-0 in around 120 feet with the best was 107 IIRC. The 2002 spec are even better now I have ditched the EBCs for some decent pads.



3,799 posts

290 months

Wednesday 10th April 2002
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What pads are you using now then Steve? I was pretty pleased with the EBC green stuff over the standard Ferodo pad, but is there something better?.



36,010 posts

295 months

Wednesday 10th April 2002
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On the 350 I was advised and tried Mintex fast road (the OK for road use ones) 1144? and normal for the rears, something about Jag brakes more than up to it for normal use. Very good brakes.