got my 280i running
after a little playing around i got my 85 280i running. but it seems that the fuel pump only works if i run a jump line from the batt. what can be the problem that the factory power line to the fuel pump isnt gettting power? also my car is idling around 1500-1800. it has the bosch fuel injection system. what can i do to bring the idle down? i have the screw all the way in that the manual says controls the idle speed that is located below the intake for the throttle body. any ideas are always a great help.
mike kenney
mike kenney
Check the condition of the metering pin on the other end of the flow meter arm it should move smoothly and drop into place with a definite 'click' if this sticks it can end up running the system rich. Also check all the hoses after the flowmeter / metering head as any air pulle din after this point can also screw things up. Finally a really simple check but is the throttle cable caught up on anything or too tight?
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