Whats The DIFFerence

Whats The DIFFerence



Original Poster:

62 posts

278 months

Thursday 14th March 2002
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Steves bible states that the 280 series 1 does not have the Powerlock Diff. How do you tell the diference between the two lying under the car in a pool of oil? And has anyone done the swap?



1,165 posts

278 months

Tuesday 19th March 2002
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I have just upgraded to a powerlock diff from the standard one. Externally there are no visible differences, but there is a metal tab on the rear cover plate which has the ratio stamped on it. The power lock diff I installed had a second tab with 'PL' stamped on it. I guess if you don't have it then its not conclusive what it is. The diff ratio was also different from the power lock v Standard....something to be aware of.
It's just a straight swap, there are no modifications required.


Original Poster:

62 posts

278 months

Tuesday 19th March 2002
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