



Original Poster:

2 posts

292 months

Monday 19th February 2001
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Does anyone know if there is a headlight conversion kit for wedges, similar to the cerby spotlight type stuff.

TVR Engineer

86 posts

287 months

Monday 19th February 2001
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I`d be amazed if there was !


30,572 posts

293 months

Tuesday 20th February 2001
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Have you seen the conversion Steve Heath did to his 390 (now a "520"? Basically he replaced each popup unit with a pair of small high intensity lamps, with a flush perpex cover over the whole thing. I have to say it looks better than the original and of course it completely removes the problems usually associated with the popup units. I don't know if there are any plans to produce a standard upgrade kit, but if there are Dave Wallis at Tower View (0208 452 6922) would be the one to ask. Cheers, Peter Humphries (and a green V8S)
Does anyone know if there is a headlight conversion kit for wedges, similar to the cerby spotlight type stuff.


Original Poster:

2 posts

292 months

Tuesday 20th February 2001
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Thanks for the info pete, I'll follow it up

TVR Engineer

86 posts

287 months

Tuesday 20th February 2001
quotequote all
Ok I`m amazed !