350 exhaust routing

350 exhaust routing



Original Poster:

3,198 posts

279 months

Thursday 14th March 2002
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Does any one have any pictures of the exhuast routing at the engine end of the 350??? I would be very grateful for any help,




8,507 posts

283 months

Thursday 14th March 2002
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Why? What are you trying to do?

There are drawings of all the factory exhaust systems in the Wedge bible but I have subsequently seen a couple of more which makes it around 8+ versions depending on how pernickety you want to be.

The engine end is fairly consistent and apart from the early cast iron manifolds all typically used a 4 into 1 manifold which joins to the central box around where the gear box is.


Original Poster:

3,198 posts

279 months

Thursday 14th March 2002
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A mate of mine is trying to fit one in a Morris Minor, and he was just wondering what arrangement the pipes were so he could see if it would fit inbetween the chassis rails ok.