Heater Controls

Heater Controls



Original Poster:

205 posts

277 months

Wednesday 13th March 2002
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I've never been able to work out the heater controls on my 1986 280i (never had the handbook!)

I've got 2 large slotted dials (running horizontally) a switch to the right marked "fan" and an additional switch on the lower right hand side of the dash with a fan icon marked on it.

Twiddling with the slotted dials doesn't seem to make any difference to the heat (always luke warm) and the "fan icon" switch doesn't seem to do anything at all!!

Can someone explain what each control is supposed to do.


PS - it's bloody freezing in Scotland


3,799 posts

290 months

Friday 15th March 2002
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If your 280 is the same as my 350 (same year) then the lh dial controls the flap that diverts air thru the heater matrix and so controlling temperature I think full right is max heat. The RH dial controls the direction full right is the feet / thighs the middle 'stop' is demist and full left is the dash / fresh air vents only. The usual complaint is heat but bugga all airflow as the fan isn't too hot and the ducting is all right angles and sharp edges so there's not a lot of flow left by the time it trickles out of the outlets. It may be worth taking the dash off (surprisingly easy) and checking that you don't have a leak and you're heating your instruments a treat, while you freeze. The fan switch should do just that and turn on the interior fan with 2 speeds


>> Edited by 350matt on Friday 15th March 18:42