Fool Consumption

Fool Consumption



Original Poster:

3,798 posts

289 months

Saturday 17th February 2001
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Hello chaps has anyone tried to fit additional fuel tanks into their wedge? As I'm getting pretty cheesed off with having to refill every 150 miles (if I'm lucky). Having a good poke around underneath I was going to try fitting big fuel lines and a supplementary boot tank. Any ideas? Cheers Matt

TVR Engineer

86 posts

288 months

Saturday 17th February 2001
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If you are going to the trouble of fitting another tank, why not use LPG ? You can switch between petrol(when the right foot is needed) and LPG when you are in town.


Original Poster:

3,798 posts

289 months

Sunday 18th February 2001
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well I did look into LPG about a year ago but the cost of the conversion put me off (approx 3K) as even if LPG stays cheap (currently on a 5 year frozen taxation rate) which I doubt it still takes about 25K miles to pay for itself which in my case would take about 4 years. Does anyone know where I can get a cheap / 2nd hand motorsport bag tank? As these tned to be a bit easier to packadge etc


16,370 posts

294 months

Sunday 18th February 2001
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where do you get 3k from a rangey costs 1000-1500 to convert with multiple tanks? try talking to