When do the belts have to be changed?
Good news! I thought that might be the case, as I couldn't find reference anywhere to when these might need to be changed. Is there anything major that needs to be replaced every 40k miles, that isn't part of the usual servicing costs?
Think all the serviceable items are replaced long before then, so you're just looking at things with a life of around 40k miles that might be wearing out. It varies hugely depending how the car has been looked after and treated, but at anything over about 30k miles it wouldn't be *too* unusual for things like cam and clutch to need attention. But you would replace them as and when they fail rather than on a schedule, and they could easily last two or three times longer than that.
Peter Humphries (and a green V8S)
Pete, while this thread is on the subject of clutches! I had a burning smell in the car on Saturday, a mate said it smelt like the clutch! (At which point I needed to change my underwear) The car isn't running a 'smoothly' as before now, lots of jurking as the clutch comes out, ie, just after a gear change, more up the 'box than down. It also seems to grind, only sometimes though, more at low revs, especially when changing into 4th from 3rd! Sounds really really terrible, makes me cringe! Could this be a sign of a clutch that is giving up???
I would say it sounds like the clutch is on its way out. Have you checked the master and slave clutch cylinders? Any leaks? Is the clutch fluid okay? Gearbox oil okay?
As for my clutches basically the one that came with the car got replaced back in ‘94 and I have just replaced that one with a pukka AP clutch from Wedge Automotive. So it’s on its third clutch but the car has seen one or two track days.
As for my clutches basically the one that came with the car got replaced back in ‘94 and I have just replaced that one with a pukka AP clutch from Wedge Automotive. So it’s on its third clutch but the car has seen one or two track days.
Pete, while this thread is on the subject of clutches! I had a burning smell in the car on Saturday, a mate said it smelt like the clutch! (At which point I needed to change my underwear) The car isn't running a 'smoothly' as before now, lots of jurking as the clutch comes out, ie, just after a gear change, more up the 'box than down. It also seems to grind, only sometimes though, more at low revs, especially when changing into 4th from 3rd! Sounds really really terrible, makes me cringe! Could this be a sign of a clutch that is giving up???
Possibly broken fingers or springs? Or it could conceivably be something to do with the clutch release bearing or even the 'box. Doesn't sound at all healthy though, and the fact the clutch seems to be getting hot points to that as the source of the problem. Worth getting the people who replace it to check there are no other problems round that area that might be contributing to the high clutch wear.
Cheers Pete, Dave.
It wasn't so bad today!! Driving around it didn't seem to play up at all! I have noticed a sort of transmission 'whine' but it doesn't fluctuate with road speed or revs, I'm thinking that could be a wheel bearing so I'm changing that next week! Once that is done I should be able to listen to what is going on! I did notice oil on the road after I washed the car on Saturday, but I have just gone over the engine with a magnifying glass looking for any more oil leaks (Just changed Rocker cover gasket)! I'll have a look at the clutch master cylinder tomorrow as well as taking a peak at the underside of the 'box for oil! Problem is that to check the 'box oil level, it really needs to go on a ramp!!
It wasn't so bad today!! Driving around it didn't seem to play up at all! I have noticed a sort of transmission 'whine' but it doesn't fluctuate with road speed or revs, I'm thinking that could be a wheel bearing so I'm changing that next week! Once that is done I should be able to listen to what is going on! I did notice oil on the road after I washed the car on Saturday, but I have just gone over the engine with a magnifying glass looking for any more oil leaks (Just changed Rocker cover gasket)! I'll have a look at the clutch master cylinder tomorrow as well as taking a peak at the underside of the 'box for oil! Problem is that to check the 'box oil level, it really needs to go on a ramp!!
I used to put the front on an axle stand as low as I could with the front wheel off then use a piece of wire. Long arms. Probably not correct but the best I could do. I think I must have used a few yoga positions to get there.
I did also ask for one of them free fluid checks you see at garages once in a while.
>> Edited by JMorgan on Wednesday 13th March 22:33
I did also ask for one of them free fluid checks you see at garages once in a while.
>> Edited by JMorgan on Wednesday 13th March 22:33
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