Wedge Rollbar - Who's had one fitted ?

Wedge Rollbar - Who's had one fitted ?



Original Poster:

19,928 posts

277 months

Monday 11th March 2002
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I recently had a rollbar fitted to my 350. Since fitment, there has been more noise in the 'cockpit'. Has anyone else had a similar experience with significantly more road noise coming through from the back of the vehicle ?


30,627 posts

295 months

Monday 11th March 2002
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Yes. It's reassuring to know that the roll bar is rigidly connected to the chassis, isn't it? If you pad the section of bar just behind your head, this mutes the noise quite a bit - and also stops you chipping your helmet when you go on track.


Original Poster:

19,928 posts

277 months

Monday 11th March 2002
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Thanks Green V8s. By the way, can you send me the registration for the 2002 Sprint challenge ?

Anyone else experienced this ?


30,627 posts

295 months

Monday 11th March 2002
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Thanks Green V8s. By the way, can you send me the registration for the 2002 Sprint challenge ?

Anyone else experienced this ?

Finally got the championship permit, so I'll be publishing the regs next chance I get. In fact I think I'll nip off home early and get started on that now!

Peter Humphries (and a green V8S)

>> Edited by GreenV8S on Monday 11th March 20:29


2,505 posts

294 months

Tuesday 12th March 2002
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yup - also got a lot of extra noise on the 450 after getting the roll-bar fitted but with the roof down I can't hear anything except the exhaust so it doesn't really matter. The noise is a small price to pay for the improvement in handling (and safety of course).

Peter, just so you don't have yet another go about me not sprinting can you email me the regs too please. I'll try to at least do a couple this year.....


30,627 posts

295 months

Tuesday 12th March 2002
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The regs are now published, anyone wanting a copy please mail me direct: peter.humphries @

Peter Humphries (and a green V8S)


2,869 posts

293 months

Tuesday 12th March 2002
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I don't suppose you got some detailed pics of the rollbar you can mail me?.



Original Poster:

19,928 posts

277 months

Tuesday 12th March 2002
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Mike, not yet but once I've got the car back from the garage where its having a couple of repairs, I'll try and sort some out.

>> Edited by lazyitus on Tuesday 12th March 19:54


2,505 posts

294 months

Tuesday 12th March 2002
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I don't suppose you got some detailed pics of the rollbar you can mail me?.

Funny you should mention that Mike. I promised to take some for Tim earlier plus piccies of the camera bar that Tower View made. So, I'll get these to you asap as well.

I'm also in the middle of renovating my OZ split rims so I'll do some 'before and after' shots too.

While I'm promising photos, you can also have piccies of the massive Billet calipers and new disks that are on the car.

Hopefully I'll provide you with some words to go with the above for your site.


2,869 posts

293 months

Wednesday 13th March 2002
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Cool guys thanks.

I have just had my 350i wheels back from Leven Technology who have been busy refurbishing them and they look great.

I will shortly be putting together an article on this subject, so if you have any words or pics to do with wheels (or roll bars - which is next on my list) please send it over.

