Lower Water Hose

Lower Water Hose



Original Poster:

126 posts

279 months

Sunday 3rd March 2002
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I got the car back from wedge automotive this weekend, everything working and sounding great. But I noticed a bit of play in the temp gauge. Having seen this before I opened the rad cap on the top hose and squeezed some of the air bubbles out (in order to get rid of the air lock causing the gauge to alter up and down). I then topped up the coolant level from the top hose (should this have been done from the header tank?). All seemed well! Then I took the car out on a drive only to park up and find the lower water hose leaking all over the road. I lost quite a lot of antifreeze mixture. I released the header rank pressure cap and re-filled the coolant from the top hose. I then drove back home very carefully (40 miles) watching the temp gauge all the time. On returning home the lower water hose was no longer leaking??? And I couldn't recreate the problem. Was this due to too much water in the system? Should I look at getting the lower water hose replaced, even though it now seems to be okay? Was the fix to release the header tank pressure cap? Advice please guys. Cheers, Dave.