Wedge wheel stud pitch circle diameter

Wedge wheel stud pitch circle diameter



Original Poster:

2 posts

276 months

Saturday 2nd March 2002
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Does anybody in this illustrious group know what the pitch circle diameter(P.C.D)and wheel offset(E.T)is for the 350i/SE TVR Wedge?....As the owner of one of the other (and original) V8 powered TR Wedges, I'm keen to find out, as I'm in the process of modifying and beefing up the feeble existing hubs/wheels/brakes/suspension etc of my 4.0L TR8.... As I reckon that the TVR 350i/SE is it's nearest Brit sportscar soulmate, borrowing TVR bits and specs would be a good starting point.... P.S Where could I obtain a decent set of 15" cross spoke wedge alloys for reasonable money?


166 posts

294 months

Saturday 2nd March 2002
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hi, the wedges use the same hub as a ford granada, this has a 112 pcd five stud pattern and an offset of 23 mm.
a mate of mine has used something like montego mg or turbo wheels - they have the same sort of lattice pattern as his original tr7 wheels but are a bigger diameter, if you have any TR questions its worth giving rimmer bros in lincoln a ring, they specialise in stags, all TR's,spitfires, gt6, range rover, dolomite,herald, SD1 and rover v8 engines- (01522)568000


Original Poster:

2 posts

276 months

Saturday 2nd March 2002
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Many thanks for the reply....according to my research, the 112 Dia x 5 pitch is also used by VW/Audi and Mercedes. Unfortunately MG Montego/MGF etc wheels are not wide enough, have the wrong offset, and in the case of the Montego wheels, are only 14" Dia.....As a along term customer of all of the TR 'specialists', none of them are really of any use if attempting something different.....Rimmers in particular, who only sell some very sad Comp AT/Allycat wheels in 14".

Cheers for now.


3,799 posts

290 months

Saturday 2nd March 2002
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I think there was a set of x- spokes for sale on the wedge site; also wedge automotive stock these wheels.



166 posts

294 months

Monday 4th March 2002
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have you tried the TR owners club?