SO3's what do you get yours for ??

SO3's what do you get yours for ??



Original Poster:

513 posts

295 months

Friday 1st March 2002
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Having just got a couple for my wedge, I was wondering what price difference is out there.
I phoned a couple of local places and was quoted
£140 - 160 per tyre.
Best price I found was £112 + VAT
225 50 ZR 15


14,944 posts

281 months

Friday 1st March 2002
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Have to say I shied away from the SO3s for my 400se.I had heard too many bad things about them.
I did a deal on 4 Goodyear Eagle F1s - 84 squid each! (including VAT and fitting etc)
Andy 400se

>> Edited by andymadmak on Friday 1st March 09:49


11,822 posts

295 months

Friday 1st March 2002
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Toyo Proxes are pretty good too. Dunno price though.


34,444 posts

314 months

Friday 1st March 2002
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2 x 205/55 ZR 15 for £250 all in (was in a rush, so no time to get down to Michedever).

Despite everyone slagging them off I've not noticed much difference over the S02s yet. Second track day on them on Tuesday...


36,010 posts

295 months

Friday 1st March 2002
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£97 +vat and balance each. Like them as well.


2,505 posts

294 months

Sunday 3rd March 2002
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just got two for my Saab Aero mailorder from Micheldever 225x45x17 £89 +vat each +£6.25 postage total. Local valving and balancing £16. Can't say fairer than that. Impressed with them so far. Don't need any for the 450 until probably the next trackday!