Steering Wheels

Steering Wheels



Original Poster:

11,822 posts

295 months

Friday 1st March 2002
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My 460 has a Momo steering wheel with wood surround which frankly, I can't stand!

I'd much rather a 'Personal' wheel as fitted to Griffs later on but am having trouble getting hold of them. Any ideas where I can locate one?

Oh, if anyone fancies a swap - they're welcome. The MOMO is top quality, but not to my taste at all.



14,944 posts

281 months

Friday 1st March 2002
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Hi Stig
I have a Black Momo leather wheel with black spokes and the connecting hub available if you want it.
It came off my 1991 400se when I put my wooden wheel on.
Let me know if you are interested
Andy 400se


Original Poster:

11,822 posts

295 months

Friday 1st March 2002
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Andy - any chance of sending me a pic? If not, a URL? Failing that - what diameter is it?



14,944 posts

281 months

Friday 1st March 2002
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I'll measure it when I get home.
It was the factory fit, and the car has PAS if that helps at all!
I'm based near the Birmingham NEC during the week. If its any use to you I could bring the wheel for you to see.
Andy 400se


14,944 posts

281 months

Friday 1st March 2002
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Hi again Stig
It measures 14 inches across (oooo errrr missus!)
I'm not picture posting capable I'm afraid.
Let me know what you think
Andy 400se


805 posts

277 months

Saturday 2nd March 2002
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I have a black 'personal wheel' on mine and would be interested in a swap. Its in v cood condition and I cant see any marks on it at all. I will send pics to your website e-mail at Please send me a pic of the momo wheel to


8 posts

278 months

Monday 4th March 2002
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Stig Hi;

I have an unmarked Black Leather MOMO 14" dia (from a 400SE), if you still are looking. Its in SW London. I have just swopped it for a polished ally MOMO woodrim which I think is fab, much nicer feel. I've been used to a Motolita on my previous cars, had it since 1968 and still in wonderful condition and I have half a dozen different boss's right back to a Renault 10.

Kindest regards