oil/temp gauge problem

oil/temp gauge problem



Original Poster:

205 posts

277 months

Wednesday 27th February 2002
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Problem 1 - Oil gauge goes from nil to off the scale as soon as ignition turned on! Is there a short or something, also where is the oil pressure sender on the engine block.

Problem 2 - Temp gauge refuses to show greater than 75 - even when the water is boiling and steam is pouring out of expansion tank. Fan never seems to switch itself on either - is this due to duff temp gauge??

Any suggestions would be much appreciated!!!


Original Poster:

205 posts

277 months

Wednesday 27th February 2002
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Oops, forgot to mention - it's a 1986 280i.


629 posts

278 months

Wednesday 27th February 2002
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My temp gauge used to do the same, it was shorting somewhere down the front off the engine (not sure where my dad fixed it, sorry.) Easy cheap fix though. As for the temp gauge I can't help there but it's probably worth checking the same I guess.


21 posts

279 months

Wednesday 6th March 2002
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My oil pressure gauge does the exact same thing! By the way, my car is also an '86 280i. The only thing I can think off is that the oil pressure sensor is shorted out. I will take mine out in a couple of weeks and see if I can disassemble it to figure out what's wrong with it. The sensor is on the left hand side towards the front of the block, below the heads and exhaust manifold. In my car, I believe that I have a gray/green wire going to it. Just follow the wire and you should find it. I will also try using a potentiometer to dial in different resistances and make sure my gauge works properly.

>> Edited by tvr500i on Thursday 7th March 13:47


8,507 posts

283 months

Wednesday 6th March 2002
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Problem 2 - Temp gauge refuses to show greater than 75 - even when the water is boiling and steam is pouring out of expansion tank. Fan never seems to switch itself on either - is this due to duff temp gauge??

No the Fan is controlled by an otter switch on one one of the piupes going to the rad or on the rad underneath the headlamp pod ish.

Temp guage has a sensor on the engine.



Original Poster:

205 posts

277 months

Thursday 7th March 2002
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Thanks Steve - I've bought the book recently so that has helped!

By the way, when is volume 2 coming out?


8,507 posts

283 months

Thursday 7th March 2002
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Right now I am up to my ears in getting engines back into Wedges, finishing a book on Embedded System Design, getting some instruction at Goodwood...

Oh to get my life back to normal!



1,165 posts

278 months

Friday 8th March 2002
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Steve, I thought that was normal!!!!