Wednesday 20th February 2002
dose any body none what motor is used on the windows
of my car is it a ford part drivers side a bit slow on
way up i greesed it up but a bit slow still any ideas
thanks for advice
Thursday 21st February 2002
CJ - sounds like you car really has a few problems...
I suggest you take the door panel off and have a look -it's probably a lucas unit !
Thursday 21st February 2002
TVR modified Lucas unit.
Thursday 21st February 2002
I think the motor is one of a Rover SD1
Thursday 21st February 2002
Check the motor earth connection, poor earth can cause slow motors - (same with the headlamp motors incidently!)
Thursday 21st February 2002
Check the felt sliding rails that the window runs in. They may be worn and need replacing. If they don't seem worn then try some silicone spray in the runners. Worth a try. Steve
Friday 22nd February 2002
thanks guys
Friday 22nd February 2002
another tweak for these is to remove the plastic end cap to get at the motor commutator ( brass bit that brushes run on) and clean it up so it's nice and shiny (brasso and then brake cleaner work well) this gives a boost to any ailing lekky motor.
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