boot struts 400se

boot struts 400se


c j morgan

Original Poster:

44 posts

278 months

Wednesday 20th February 2002
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can someone please tell me where i can get the struts
to hold the boot open and stop it full in down
on the 400 se and the price of them guys
regards chris


3,799 posts

290 months

Friday 22nd February 2002
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If you look on the strut it's got a N rating stamped on it make a note of the number measure between ends and toddle off to the scrappy. I think I found a suitable replacement on the tailgate of a Mk2 golf would you believe.



488 posts

286 months

Friday 22nd February 2002
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I think that the old style Range Rover has suitable ones on the rear glass tailgate. Failing that, Wedge Automotive used to stock adjustable ones which I used on my 350.
