Corroded heater valve

Corroded heater valve


Toby Noble

Original Poster:

107 posts

277 months

Wednesday 20th February 2002
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Can anyone tell me where TVR sourced the heater in the 280i?
My heat switch (slider) is seized and has begun to drip on passenger's feet which is a tad concerning..

cj morgan

14 posts

277 months

Wednesday 20th February 2002
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i am not shore may be its out
of the ford capri 2.8 inj


8,507 posts

283 months

Thursday 21st February 2002
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What year and model for a start? The heater has chnaged frequently but is more or less a TVR special but you may be able to get a replacement valve. Access is a swine as the dash has to come out!


Toby Noble

Original Poster:

107 posts

277 months

Thursday 21st February 2002
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The car is a 1984 Convertible 280i and the cable from the heat control connects to the water hose pretty easily accessible not far back in the passenger footwell.