tappets 400 se

tappets 400 se


c j morgan

Original Poster:

44 posts

278 months

Sunday 17th February 2002
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can anyone tell me please
can they be adjusted
i have a slight te ta te ta sound at low revs
any ideas thanks it sounds like a plug might be loose noise


30,627 posts

295 months

Monday 18th February 2002
quotequote all
can anyone tell me please
can they be adjusted
i have a slight te ta te ta sound at low revs
any ideas thanks it sounds like a plug might be loose noise

Should have hydraulic tappets as standard? In which case no adjustment required or possible. Experienced mechanic may be able to trace the sound and suggest possible/likely causes?

Peter Humphries (and a green V8S)


3,829 posts

285 months

Monday 18th February 2002
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I had a similar noise from my 1.4 Astra back in November, took it to Vauxhall was told 'They all do that sir' Mechanics seemed more interested in revving it than listening to it at idle, anyway, the car hasn't moved under it's own power since Novwember. Not that I'm trying to worry you or anything!

Brm Brm

217 posts

285 months

Monday 18th February 2002
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Check you haven't got a blowing exhaust gasket - can sound v'similar and is a common problem - and they are not difficult to change as long as the bolts have not been over tightened.....

>> Edited by Brm Brm on Monday 18th February 19:01

rory d

21 posts

277 months

Wednesday 27th February 2002
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i reckon your crank is about fall out !!!!!!!!!


3,799 posts

290 months

Wednesday 27th February 2002
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Have you done something to offend this bloke Chris? Or is he just a muppet?
The hydraulic tappets can sometimes rattle a bit at low revs when the oil presure is low, try running a slightly thicker oil if you're that bothered but mine does this fairly regularly and I recently measured the cam lifts and they were all fine so Ive decided to live with it. The fact I'm running Rhoads followers might have something to do with it, but hey I was considering solid lifters in any case.


>> Edited by 350matt on Wednesday 27th February 21:30